you've never been more beautiful.

Sep 28, 2008 05:51

This is the greatest part of the City;
not the hustle & bustle of the Square Mile, or walking daily across Billie's Bridge to and fro from classes, or living by Waterloo and the Southbank, or Somerset House and the Olde Banke of England and the endless streets monuments museums galleries National Trust landmark pubs and dim sum sushi fine cuisine locales. Or The Pie.

Just wandering at night without thought for anything but the pitch black shimmering Thames, tree-lined avenues, pretentiously lit deserted monuments, 18th Century Government buildings, that view past the War Memorial in St James' Park to Buck House, the grumbly Met blokes with blatant automatic weapons guarding the Ministry of Defence at midnight, and where that next Chocolate Crepe is going to come from.

Turning the next Left with riot__libertine for no other reason than there is a Left,
and it's ours for the taking...

creativity: picspam, location: old london town, friends: halia is hot

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