WALL; Rose/Master; "If I Can't Save the Spaceman"

Jun 27, 2008 00:40

And now for 'Unconventional Who Pairing Who Have Never Met' time.
They're so beautiful independently, so surely they'd burn like the Sun together. Surely!

"If I Can't Save the Spaceman."
Doctor Who AU Wallpaper; ROSE/MASTER.
Lyrics; 'Spaceman' by Stir, and 'A Wolf In Jesus Skin' by Polkadot Cadaver.
Comments are like a thousand Supernovas all at once.

He called her his 'wolf wrapped in human skin', a lovely package tightly bound in ribbon and lace. Rose was sometimes unsure whether he meant it as a compliment, but she did know that he was her Spaceman; her Master from outer space; hot and deep and never ending. He would die sometimes, then burn like the dying light of a collapsing star as he resurrected-regenerated before her eyes. She had to close them. One night he died and stayed a corpse, sullen and heavy and cold. She burnt him on a funeral pyre, and propelled his ashes out into the dark spaces. She knew he'd come back for her, solid and real, he always would. And he did.


The Master almost thought he liked her. Sometimes. She was so good, and pure, and wicked. Just like his Doctor. But unlike the former, Rose knew her place - with him, always. Rose didn't run, and Rose always played his games. Sometimes he even let her win, and sometimes she returned the favour. He thought she was his revenge. Once upon a time, Rose had been the Doctor's toy, and he'd always longed to steal His precious things away and throw them out of the metaphorical sandbox; but what better than his own Companion, real and sane and truly his, the girl who came of her own volition. She was his pet project and his salvation. If she didn't save him, no one would.

1024x768 // 800x600

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Alreet, my dear fellows?
So I FINALLY got the Rose/Master wall done, and am marginally pleased with the results. I'm DOCTOR/MASTER OTP!!!!111!!FOREVERS!!! all the way, but I rather enjoyed dipping my toes into personally unchartered waters, even if I am the very definition of Lameness. And the Master really does go with anyone at all, and with him all pairings function well. AND BILLIE. YES BILL. She wins at life.
All it took was just sitting down with the Wimbeldon Men's Singles on and working at it for two hours. Good times.

And after my millionth Doctor's appointment in the space of a week, and having two vials of blood stolen fresh from my right arm, I went 'shopping' and purchased a beauteous cream dress that is worth all of £80 (I had a fistful of gift vouchers, go me)... BUT the shop assistant was incredibly dozy and was giving me oddly intense freaky looks and just didn't even put it through the till so I got it for FREE accidently along with £20 worth of groceries from the food court! HAW!!! Victory is mine.

Also also. I downloaded the leaked preview of 'True Blood'. Thoughts, anyone who's seen it?

But yes.

manflesh: simm, creativity: wallpapers, who: new who

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