WHO 2009: Special 1, The Three Companions

Sep 05, 2007 03:43

{WHO 2009, The Specials Season: Third Time’s The Charm, part 1.}

{TITLE}: The Three Companions
{WRITTEN BY}: Davey S. Russell
{WORKING TITLE}: Three Plucky Girls Go To Band Camp
{RUNNING TIME}: 1 hr, 32 mins
{TAGLINE}: "One journey ends. One continues. Another is just beginning..."
{CAST}: David Tennant, Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman, Carey Mulligan, John Barrowman, David Bowie, Ian Holm, Finlay Robertson, Adjoa Andoh, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Gareth David-Lloyd.
Various Other Supporting Cast.
{DISCLAIMER}: This is not a BBC production and is in no way connected to the writers or producers of Dr Who. It is entirely a fictional product of my warped brain.
{NOTE}:This is Part One of the aforementioned 2009 Specials Season. It is entirely fictional, and mocksy, and is just a little bit of ridiculousness to amuse myself. All highly self indulgent.
I decided that for the first of the three specials, head honcho, erm... Davey S. Russell... would write a cracktastic lesbian love scene, with a typically convoluted plot, a powerful new villain played by David Bowie who is totally sidelined due to Companionfest ’09, and way too many story-lines left unexplained. Have at it!
Also, Billie Piper with a battle scar across her mouth? Disturbingly hot in my head. You can thank Joss Whedon for that.
Please do comment! I’m only posting this on my own livejournal, so dear flist, I’d love to know your thoughts.
There is a good reason why the BBC refuses to employ me.

A chunk of what appears to be space debris falls through the Rift, only to be collected, collated, and catalogued by Jack Harkness and his intrepid team. It's just another day in Cardiff Bay, until a devastating explosion inside the bowels of the Hub tears Torchwood apart and brings the Rift's ire down upon them, yet again.
With the Rift disturbed, and two of his team members injured, it's up to Jack to hold together the tattered scraps of sanity as the Rift opens and its consequences spread out across the Earth.
When a vivid transdimensional portal rips a hole in the fabric of Time and Space across the length of Bad Wolf Bay in Norway, a terrible enemy steps through from a time long past, trapped in an alternate reality on the cusp of the Time War’s end. With it comes a battle-hardened young woman, known once as Rose Tyler.
As chaos strikes London, people begin disappearing and a mysterious disease spreads through the city. Sally Sparrow brings her sick boyfriend Larry into Charing Cross Hospital, seeking emergency treatment. Meanwhile, after calling her fifth Time of Death of the morning, Martha Jones decides that it's about time she called a different sort of Doctor...

{FICLET - 370 words}:
"So you’re Rose Tyler. THE Rose Tyler." As if it wasn’t bad enough that the world was ending, but the famous Rose just had to show up and stick her oar in! Well, Martha had long since passed the time that she would feel threatened, but still. Wasn’t she supposed to be stuck in another dimension, or something?

"Yup. That’d be me. Rose Tyler."
"The Doctor’s Rose."
"No. Well, yeah, the Doctor’s Rose."
"And you just happen to be back because? Saved any planet’s lately?"
"Yeah, actually..."
"So, what? This one’s next on the list?"
"Well it’s not as if you’re doin’ a very good job of it. Who exactly are ya anyway?!" Rose’s attention shifted straight to the other woman. "And what about you?"

Rose recognized something in the two; steel. Well, both of them were noticeably tempestuous, whether by accident or design, but there was something about the blonde in particular. That look that said she had been crying for too long, and each one of her tears had long since dried up. Rose recognized that one, she’d seen the same face looking back at her through the mirror every morning for a month, after she’d been trapped on the alternate Earth.

Oh no, no, no... Sally was not going to be getting involved in this. In fact, she was fairly certain that she had nothing to do with it at all. "Sally Sparrow. Nice to meet you." Sally tried to smile, extending her hand to the blonde woman. The gesture wasn’t reciprocated, only met with an even gaze.
Sally liked Martha, she’d tried to help Sally when this all began, at Charing Cross, when Larry had been brought in. She remembered Martha too from the DVD’s, and the street outside their shop.

Sparrow & Nightingale... Antiquarian Books and Rare DVD’s.
She’d really liked that shop. She’d really, really, liked Larry.

The other woman, Rose Tyler, seemed harder. There was a warmth beneath it though, hidden or buried. Sally thought that if she could make her smile, then it must mean things would be alright. If someone like that smiled when something like this was happening, it had to mean it wasn’t the end.

"So, the Doctor... just how many ex-girlfriends does he have?"

Scene - Bad Wolf Bay, Norway. Dusk.
Rose stands watching the tide. Reminiscent of Doomsday moment.
The Doctor approaches from behind. Rose does not see him.
The Doctor wraps his arms around Rose.
Rose leans back against him. Both remain calm.

ROSE: The Harbinger’s gone, yeah? That portal needs to close again.
DOCTOR: Nah, it’ll be fine.

The Doctor does not look as jovial as he tries to sound.
Cut to Sally Sparrow watching from the TARDIS door.
Sally slips back inside, shutting the door behind her.
Cut back to Rose and the Doctor.

DOCTOR: There has to be some way. I could…

Rose interrupts.

ROSE: Yeah... you know there isn’t. It’s ok. I’m ok.
DOCTOR: Not again. I can’t lose you again. I...

The Doctor looks like he might be about to say IT.
Rose interrupts again before he can.

ROSE: You can’t save everyone, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I like to try.

The Doctor laughs half-heartedly, sniffing back a tear.
He turns Rose to look at him.

DOCTOR: You’ll be alright?

The Doctor traces a finger the length of Rose’s scar.
Rose smiles, awkwardly.

ROSE: Me? I’m always alright, me.

Rose leans up and kisses the Doctor once.
Rose lets go and steps back a few paces. She taps at her wrist display pad.

ROSE: See you around, Doctor.

White light.
Rose disappears for what both know is the last time.
Cut to the Doctor walking back to the TARDIS.


{SPECIAL TWO, Coming Tomorrow... 'Retribution and The Rani'}

creativity: graphics, who: who2009 fiction, who: new who, creativity: fanfiction

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