Jan 20, 2012 13:52
Please bear with me, this is my first time writing up a permission meme...
Ren has a couple of abilities and such that need permissions.
While Ren appears human, she's not. Well, not exactly. She's a changeling, a human who was kidnapped by the True Fae and... altered. Her apparent human appearance is really just an illusion over her true fae appearance. This works on everyone EXCEPT those with an automatic ability to see through illusions and/or fae glamours.
For those who can see her true appearance: Her Fae lord sculpted and molded her form to fit his particular ideal of beauty, and in true fae fashion that meant sculpting her to look more like him. Her ears taper to points, her eyes are slightly larger and darker, and her fingers and toes lack nails, instead tapering to long, graceful points. Her hair is a deep, nearly purple color now, with a texture somewhere between hair and silky fur, and shot through with streaks of vivid blue reminiscent of a butterfly's wings. Though she isn't any taller, her limbs are longer, and she's thinner, with almost no noticeable curve of hip or chest.
Independent of that, there is an illusion at work on her appearance that highlights the features of her that the viewer finds the most attractive. A person who is attracted to nice hair will notice hers is beautifully smooth and glossy. A person who likes eyes will notice hers are exceptionally bright. And so on. While this can not change her actual appearance, it does mean no two people will describe her exactly the same way. This works on both her human Mask and her true fae appearance. Due both to her otokoyaku training and some of her Fae Lord's modifications, this someone extends to gender as well. Everyone will remember her female, but she will seem slightly more 'masculine' or 'feminine' depending on the viewer's preferences. This is just something to keep in mind when interacting with her.
Next, she can tell what a person's greatest desire is, and how far he/she would be willing to go to gain that desire.
If you could fill this out, I would be very happy.
Have a nifty text box you can C&P to answer these!
Can your character see Ren's fae appearance: yes/no
Greatest desire?:
Lengths they'd go to to gain said desire: