Aug 12, 2005 17:27
1. initials:KET
2. name someone with the same birthday as you:um dunno bruce ross vance lindsey and ms brenda have it in July thats as good as i can do
3. where was your first kiss? on the lips
4. for or against same sex marriages? against
5. are you homophobic? nah as long as they are flamboiant
6. are you bisexual? nah i enjoy the ladies
7. do you believe in God? i believe that there has to be somethin after death and that controls everything to an extent so yeah
8. how many US states have you been to? bout 10
9. how many of the US states have you lived in? 1
10. have you ever lived outside the US? nah
11. name something you like physically about yourself: me
12. name something non physical you like about yourself: i make ppl laugh
13. where do you want to go to retire? where ever
14. what is your dream car? LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO mmm
15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hawaii
16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone? yes...yes i have
17. how many concerts have you gone to? jus one
18. do you download music? yeah
19. how many illegal things have you done? not that many like 5-6 lil things
20. where would you want to go on a first date? a restaurant or a movie
21. describe your perfect date: hot girl good food and at least a kiss at the end of the night
22. has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? yeah
23. ever been kissed under fireworks? ive kissed under fireworks yes
24. do you like president bush? most of the time no but sometimes a lil bit
25. have you ever bungee jumped? nah i want to though
26. have you ever white- water rafted? yeah
27. have you ever crashed a car? nah really crashed
28. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you? um prolly but i was prolly like eww
29.have you ever met a real redneck? yeah the whole side of my dads family
30. are you interested in anyone right now? nah jus wooj
31. what song are you listening to right now? from first to last - Ride The Wings Of Pestilence
32. what is your current favorite song? the above one
33. what was the last movie you watched? part of city slickers?
34. Who was the last person you told you love? i think diana or emily
35. where was the last place you went besides your house? Best Buy
36. have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? nope
37. have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? nah dude id have to kill myself if i did that
38. Have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? nah
39. what’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? weight face then body
40. what really turns you on? lips or taht certain part of the neck when a girl turns her head that tendon thing that you can see mmmm
41. what do you usually order from starbucks? caramel frappicino usually
42. what is your biggest mistake? messin with a co-worker at ruby tuesdays
43. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? nah i punch the wall sometimes but not to hurt myself
44. say something totally random about you: most of the stuff on me is big
45. do you have an i-pod? no
46. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? some girl from ULL said i looked like Eminem but she jus wanted my nuts so i understand that i look nothing like any cute celebrity lol
47. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? psh yeah
48. do you have braces? nah
49. are you comfortable with your height? yeah i like it
50. what is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? came down from alexandria jus to see me on mardi gras
51. when do you know its love? um i dont know theres jus a feeling you to tell if its being in love or jus loving someone thats harder
52. do you speak any other languages besides English? wee wee
53. have you ever been to a tanning salon? yeah during my fag era
54. what magazines do you read?ESPN if they come and Sports Illistrated
55. have you ever ridden in a limo? yeah very nice
56. has anyone you were really close with pass away? yep my Grandpa that was the best man that i knew i hope ill be as amazing as he was one day
57. do you watch mtv? yeah
58. whats something that really annoys you? not being able to apply somethin that ive learned
59. whats something you really like? chocolate milk
60. do you like michael Jackson? hes arite jus a lil messed up
61. can you dance? haha the girls say i can...i only dance these days when im drunk though
62. have you ever surfed? i tried once but no success
63. do you know how to pump gas? no
64. do you drive? yeah
65. whats the latest you have ever stayed up? all night
66. have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? yeah
67. were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? yeah when i had my seizure
68. have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? of course but i did it whoooohooo
69. do you actually read these when other people fill them out? only some ppl's