Scenes and Sequences, Take IV: I love this particular scene because since it's set in the Gaza strip the coloring and the mood of the episode is very different. Besides all of that I like the fact that Donna gets blown up because love her but she can be so irritating at times. Andy is there too. So win.
ANDY: Four days, and I'm still not adjusted. 2:00 a.m., staring at the ceiling.
FITZWALLACE: Those briefing books should put you right out.
ANDY: Good idea. I should get somebody to hit me over the head with one.
KORB: They're a displaced population.
DESANTOS: Displaced?! The Palestinians moved what, 15, 20 miles? Did you ever move? I grew up in Dayton.
KORB: They're still refugees.
FITZWALLACE: You know, after 50 years, one option might be to get over it.
DONNA: Feels even hotter today. Is that possible?
ANDY: You enjoy your break?
DONNA: Wasn't what you think.
DRIVER: Let's go folks, we're moving out.
DONNA: Black cars? Good choice for this climate.
FITZWALLACE: Everybody's this angry now, what must it have been like before air conditioning?
FITZWALLACE: Yeah, travel, learn about cultures, meet new friends. What do photographers say now that the old "Come up and see my darkroom" line has gone the way of the dodo?
DONNA: They offer their high-speed...