Yay, pissed off Ken time! -_-'

Aug 11, 2005 19:16

Remember when you were little and the rollar coaster was comming back into the station and you were afraid that maybe it wouldn't stop? And you would be stuck on it forever. Never would anything be calm again. Always there would be the calm before the storm as you ascend the first drop. But from there on out one seems to perfectly roll right into another. Well I'm stuck on that rollar coaster. Not because it keeps going. But because it's as if I keep pushing the button to make it start again. My emotions keep getting the best of me. And they are starting to hurt others. I don't think that's going to be good in the long run. WHAT THE FUCK! There it is yet again in my life. I just realized another turn thats creeping up on me and it's not going to be fun. Nothing in life is easy, I know that. I just wish I had the will power and patience to work towards that better goal. I should be in bliss right now. My life should be the best it's going to get for years to come. But this very second I'm miserable. Why? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! I have inklings but the second I tell someone everyone fucking knows. None of you know how to shut your mouths anymore rather than a select few. I'm ready to delete everyone off my list again and just use this for myself. I'm wicked pissed now. But I still feel teary eyed. I'm a pussy. Whatever. I hope you all rot in hell. (all = most but not all)
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