(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 00:47

[A is for age]

[B is for booze of choice]
sex on the beach

[C is for career of choice]
Attorney General of the US

[D is for your drug of choice]

[E is for one essential item you use everyday]
toothbrush....nobody wants to look at yellow teeth

[F is for favorite song at the moment]
anything really.....

[G is for favorite game]
egyptian ratscrew

[H is for Hometown]
new orleans: proud to swim home.

[I is for instruments you play]

[J is for favorite juice]

[K is for kids]
eventually 2 tubes tied at 3

[L is for last hug]
jared....i needed it

[M is for marriage?]
when i find him and when we're ready

[N is for nickname]
slut puppy. tootsie.....kels....anything really

[O is for number of overnight hospital stays]

[P is for phobias]
heights, the unknown

[Q is for quote]
it's not right but it's okay....thank you whitney  (thats the only decent one i could come up with off the top of my head)

[R is for biggest regret]
not being true to myself

[S is for singing]
in the shower

[T is for time you woke up]

[U is for underwear]
none....it's bedtime

[V is for vegetable you love]

[W is for worst habit]
biting my nails

[X is for number of x-rays you’ve gotten]
do ultrasounds count?

[Y is for yummy food you make]
amazing mac & cheese

[Z is for zodiac sign]
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