
Apr 25, 2010 16:06

Mun Info:

Name:  Lauren

Age: 23

Are you a pre-existing member: yes

Have you ever rp'd in a comm before: yes I play Kagome in Salkia

Just out of curiosity, how did you hear of us: Angela was the one who really got me into rping

Screen Name we can contact you at: la ella loba


Character Info:

Fandom: (What book/anime/manga/video game/etc. are they from?) Axis Powers Hetalia

Name: (The full name of the character) Northern Italy or Italy Veneziano

Age: (If you know it, if not just say so) I don’t know

User Icon: {An icon of your choice you'd like to represent your character on the Taken listing.  Please put the link - not the picture.)

Physical Description of Character: (If you have an official picture of your character you may put that in as well NOT in place of.)

He has reddish-brown hair that is layered and short with a strand that curls out on his right side. His hair layers around his face with the longest layer ending around his collar. His eyes are a warm brown and look soft and friendly. His face is sweet and gentle and almost childish. He is usually smiling which shows his happiness and trust in his friends. He is usually dressed in a military uniform. Underneath he wears a black dress shirt with a light blue tie. Over his shirt he wears a blue jacket with a dark blue belt around the waist. His jacket contains four pockets with patches on both shoulders. He wears blue pants, which match the jacket, and on his feet are brown boots that are around knee height.

Point in Canon: (From what point in the plot are you picking them up?)

War World II (episode 8)

Personality: (In a minimum of 250 words tell us: what your character is like, their likes, dislikes, odd quirks, hobbies, bad habits, good habits, anything! We want to know about your character!)

During the Roman Empire, Italy was a strong leader and an amazing sight to behold. He was the grandfather to Northern Italy. After the Roman Empire fell, other nations moved in and started to bully Italy. The Roman Empire became mean and pushy and he wanted Italy to join with him but Italy was scared and refused to do so. Northern Italy was only an infant during this time and he was too weak to fight back.

Italy was taken as a child to be the slave to Austria. Although he was the housekeeper he was still a kind-hearted child even though he would get punished often. Austria was strict and he would often times have to punish Italy since Italy was a goof ball. Italy learned to fear Austria because of this. When Austria played the piano, Italy would listen to it with glee and for a few minutes, he would forget his slavery.

Italy was extremely old but he looked ageless. When one gazed upon him, he looked as though he was in his twenties or thirties. Despite how old he got, Italy still acted as though he was a child. He spoke as though he was a child as well with high frequency and often times whiny tones. When his life was in danger, he cried and begged for his life and his whiny tones intensified.

Italy would rather cower and hide than fight. He does not know how to fight and he has no desire to learn. He was a coward at heart and he would always run and hide or beg for his life instead. He thought of ways to try to get out of fighting like hiding in a tomato crate. He joined forces with Germany because he knew that Germany could protect him and would rather rely on Germany’s protection then protect himself.

He believed Germany was his friend therefore he remained close to him. Germany who does not have any friends was surprised when Italy attached himself to his sad. Italy was blunt and gentle and but he was clingy. He generally does not understand when someone does not want him around. Although Germany kicked him out after he annoyed him, Italy came back. He somehow always found his way back to Germany, whether Germany wanted him or not.

After War World II began, he became an ally to him and later to Japan. Italy was one of a kind. He found joy out of simple things like the beach. He enjoyed simple acts like splashing in the water. He has no want or desire because of his cowardice as well as because he does not want to hurt another human being. It is not in his nature to hurt another human being.

Italy is lazy but energetic and overall a nice guy. He is charming and attracted women easily with his boyish good looks. Despite his ability to attract women, pasta was his main forte. He loved to cook and to eat. His reason for not liking England was because he does not like the food. He exclaimed his outrage after he was kidnapped by the Allies and his complaining was loud enough that they send him back.

History of the Character: (This must be done in a minimum of 300 words.  Since we won't always know what book/anime/video game/etc. your char is from, give us some information about what they've been put through and what not.)

The earliest recorded history in what is now known as Italy was thought to have developed 200,000 years ago during the Palaeolithic period. Italy started to grow when Greece established itself along the coast of Sicily. In the 8th century BC an architectural community formed and this was the beginning of Italy. This small agricultural community grew into the well-known civilization of Rome. The Roman Empire influenced much of the world and much of the influence is still seen in modern times.

In the 10th century BC, the Roman Empire became one of the largest empires in the ancient world. As the Roman society grew, it evolved from a monarchy to a republic to an increasing autocratic empire. It ended up dominating southern Europe and the Mediterranean region and this occurred through conquest and assimilation. The Roman Empire experienced growth, prosperity and times of overall peace. During this time major developments in law, war, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion and language were discovered.

The Holy Roman Empire fell because of internal instability as well as being attacked by various people. These people include the Saxons, Franks, Goths, Huns and some other groups. Eventually the Western part of the country fell and individual states were made. Italy was one of these nations that were made during this time. The Roman Empire was the greatest empire that Italy ever had. Northern Italy is the grandson to this fantastic empire. He never knew the glories of it because he was a child when the Roman Empire left.

In the sixth century AD the Emperor Justinian tried to reconquer Italy who had been controlled by the Ostrogoths. The Ostrogoths were a branch of the Goths who were an Eastern Germanic tribe. The next wave of the Germanic tribes called the Lombards attacked Emperor Justinian’s who had tried to repair the Western Roman Empire. For the next thirteenth centuries, the new nation states owned Italy. Many of these nation states fought and there were tyrannies as well as foreign invaders. Italy was an infant by this time that drew and sang with his grandfather Rome. He wanted to show his big brothers his this drawings but after he was reunited with them, he realized that they had grown into bullies. Although Italy had everything that he wanted with mild climates and wonderful land, they were weak.

The city-states were weak and no ruler could join them together. The region saw the rise of the Signoria and the Comune and it was the anarchic conditions that generally prevailed in the medieval city-states. Strong men were used to restore order and to disarm the elites who were fighting. The Della Scala families in Verona, the Visconti in Milan and the Medicini in Florence were some of the families who were looked to. It was during this time that the merchant Republics dominated and this allowed for academic and artistic freedom and development. During this time, Italy started to grow in strength.

A lot of Italy’s strength during the Middle Ages had to be attributed to the Renaissance. The Renaissance began in the late 13th century in Florence and lasted up until the 17th century. Many of the classical ideas that have been buried were reborn. Some believe that ancient texts from the Eastern civilization were rediscovered and some texts were translated from Greek and Arabic into Latin from the Islamic world that started the Renaissance. It was a time of art as well as governmental ideals that came from older Greek writings like Plato’s Republic.

In 1384, the Black Death affected Italy just as much as it affected Europe. About one third of Italy’s population was destroyed by this plague. The recovery from the disaster helped Italy because it led to a resurgence of cities, trade and economies. Humanism and the Renaissance helped to return Italy to become a strong nation once again.

Although Italy was fragmented, it was still free. In 1494, France opened up a series of invasion, which lasted half of the sixteenth century. France and Spain ended up fighting long for Italy and in 1559, Spain gained control over Naples. There was much bloodshed in Italy during this time until Austria gained control of Italy after the Peace of Utrecht in 1713. Austria beat up Italy and told him that as long as he remained loyal and his slave that the fighting would end. During this time, Italy gained in intellectual discussion and though and several Italian philosophers and literary figures helped out the nation.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars stirred Italy into thinking of a unified nation. Italian nationalists and people who were loyal to the House of Savoy formed the Kingdom of Italy. Their goal was to have a unified nation that encompassed the whole Italian Peninsula. They tried and failed to gain their independence against Austria after they tried to declare war on them. Camillo Benso from Northern Italy lead the Italian republics for the unification and the kingdom challenged the Austrian Empire in the Second Italian War of Independence with help of Napoleon III.

In 1866 Victor Emmanuel II joined with Prussia during the Austro-Prussian War during the Third Italian War of Independence in which Italy gained control over Venice. In 1870, France defeated by the Franco-Prussian War pulled out of Rome and Italy regained their power. Although they kept a monarchy in control, they also formed a parliamentary system. After Italy was combined, Statuto Albertino in 1848 provided the basic freedoms except for suffrage among the non-propertied and uneducated classes.

In War World I, Italy was neutral at first but after time they joined the war after signing the Treaty of London. During War World I German finds Italy in a tomato box and after letting him out, he starts to believe that he is being tricked. Italy wishes for his freedom and pleads with Germany not to hurt him. Germany allows him to live and because of it Italy feels as though he has gained a friend.

After the war, Germany was force to pay a lot of money and he does so by building and selling cuckoo clocks to be able to gain the money. After Italy pesters him enough, Germany gives him a job making bills. After the War, Italy’s economy collapsed and the nation was poor. Northern Italy wanted the job from Germany because he said that he poor and those they could not afford the basic necessities.

Benito Mussolini led the National Fascist Party and they attempted a March on Rome but King Emmanuel III was able to disperse it and form an alliance with Mussolini. Eventually Mussolini became the dictator of Italy. Italy supported Franco during the Spanish civil war and was against Hitler’s annexation of Austria although they supported his annexation of Sudetenland. On 1939 Italy occupied Albania and entered World War II in 1940. Later on they tried to defeat Greece but they were forced to face defeat and withdraw. Italy controlled Northern Africa and the British started to conquer this area as early as 1940. Italy wanted to join with Germany because he was his friend. Italy kind of forced the decision on Germany. Japan signed the Tripartite Pact in September of 1940 while Italy slept on the floor next to a cat.

During the War, the Axis powers were stranded on an island but Italy enjoyed their time on the beach and saw it more as a vacation. Germany tried to get Italy’s help with preparation but Italy’s ideals of preparations was pasta and wine as well as a white surrender flag. Italy is caught twice by the Allies but was returned after he annoyed them. He also caused Germany to be captured in Northern Africa because he could not tie his shoelaces. Italy not wanting to be tortured released information about Germany’s sadistic side causing Germany to be upset at Italy. To get help, Italy called Japan to try to have him release them from the Allies.

Magical Powers/Skills: (If they don't have any say none.)

He has no magical powers and his skills lie in cooking more then anything else.

Weapons: (Again if they don't have any just say none.)


Writing samples:

Personal LJ Sample: (Give us a sample of what your character would write about, or even make a voice post about.  For the sample it can be about anything, if you need an idea to write about we recommend your characters thoughts on suddenly arriving to Salkia.)

[Italy stares at the LP and not knowing what it is or what it does. At first he tries to talk to it but when it does not respond, he decided to hit a button] Y [After seeing the Y appear on the screen, he realized that if he hit the weird square contraption letters appear.] jdoaihfoie [He stared at it and after a few minutes, he realized that he could spell words with letters.] P…A…S…T…A. PASTA! PASTA!  PASTA!!!! [Not realizing that this was transferring to other people, he continued writing the Pasta over and over until he lost interest and he decided to cook the food that he was so fond off. After staring at the LP for a few seconds he tossed it into a corner as he wandered into the kitchen.]

Third-Person Sample:  (Minimum of 200 words.  Give a 3rd person sample about your character.  It can be anything!  It can be from something back in their own fandom or, again, you can write about their first reactions to the island.)

[Reddish-brown hair covered the head of an attractive man even though the man was covered with the sand from the beach. The young man stretched and after a few minutes of lazing about, he sat up and looked around.] Germany! Germany! [After a few seconds he realized that Germany was not around and after shrugging it off, he noticed the water.] Oh boy! The water looks so clean! Lets go for a swim! [Not realizing that he was the only around therefore, he was talking to himself, he ran into the water] Splash! Splash! Splash! [He yelled with glee as he splashed in the water.]

[Some time had passed before he ran back onto the beach and laid down. Germany’s lack of presence bothered him slightly because usually he was able to find his back to him. Nothing bothered him for long so after a few seconds, he forgot about the absence of his friend. His stomach growled alerting him to the fact that he was hungry.] Pasta! [After drying himself off, he glanced around and started walking. Not paying much attention to where he was going he walked into the side of an Italian restaurant.] Pasta! [After receiving his food, he ate it with great relish for despite how much he liked Germany he missed his pasta.]


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