Feb 04, 2004 20:50
1) Why did you stay with Phillip as long as you did? I guess the short answer would be habit. I really wanted to believe that if I stayed things would work and be like they were second semester of Freshman year. Also, I lived in the same dorm as him, and thought it would make my living situation easier to just do what I was doing. And, I didn't really take the time to sit back and analyze it until he brought up that he wasn't happy.
2)Explain your love for me in terms of statistics and research methods of psychology. (Not APA format- I'm a bit psyched out)
My love for you has a 2x2 ANOVA design Distance(Near v. Far)x Time (Present v. Past). The manipulation involved in the present is, necessarily, that we are 4 years older, more mature, and more in love. And of course, we would predict that Near is superior to far. Results indicate that NearXPast was significantly better for love and general relationship sassifaction than FarXPast was. And FarXPresent is significantly better than both NearXPast and FarXPast. In addition, pilot testing suggests that NearXPresent is better than FarXPresent- suggesting that NearXFuture would yield superior results.
3)Describe your breasts in 2 haikus (5-7-5)
Orbs in the moonlight
Wishing you were here with me
Patiently they wait
Smooth as velvet is
Clumsy inside their white skin
Calming are your lips
4)What would be your first act as president of the United States?
My first act would be to insist that a Spangles be put in the White House.
5) If you could be any kind of mammal what would you be?
Your puppy