Oct 09, 2003 06:50
Hello all! This week certainly has been interesting...Monday I spent 12 hours grading after school just to get everything caught up so the kids could have current grades. Done.
Tuesday I was enjoying my free time after school and went out with a buddy for karaoke. Drank half a pitcher of beer and did an awesome rendition of Black Velvet. Maybe that's one of my new favorites to karaoke to!
Wednesday I was sick all day at school (not hungover, didn't even get drunk the night before), but Mr. Fundraiser taught all of my ag classes about how to do the fundraiser and what prizes they could win. Cool. My Biology class, though? I have 35 kids in that class and 20 of them walked in tardy. That's insane. I kept them all after class. I'm mean. Also had an FFA meeting and Booster meeting last night...which were both fun :). We did bobbing for apples as our activity and the buckets of water ended up being dumped on most of my officers...and then one soaking wet officer came up and gave me a big hug...lol. Always nice to show up to the booster meeting with the principal present while you're partially wet!
Today? Back to teaching and relaxing after school today. This coming up weekend will be the first weekend I've had off since I was hired (excluding my trip to Florida in August). No plans, and I'm looking forward to it!
Met a guy quickly after school yesterday...stopped by his house to say hi. First thing he says when I walk in? "Damn girl, you are HOT!" Couldn't take his eyes off me...lol. Funny, considering I had been sick all day and did *not* feel at my hottest. Don't think I'm necessarily interested in him for a number of reasons, but him and his 4 male roommates should be fun to hang out with!
Funnel cake boy? Working another festival for his dad...but will be back in town next Monday and is eager to hang with me. Sweet.
Someone comment this time, eh?