Nomicide - Game Three - Session Thirty-Six

Oct 02, 2009 08:24

This has been quiet for a while, hasn't it? I wonder if we shouldn't vote for a Constitutional Convention and reboot to bring some life back into the game? -- packbat
Session Thirty-Five Poll Resolution
Rule Changes

Standard Proposals
  • 376 by packbat, restricting withdrawals from the piggy bank to prevention of negative scores, failed with 1 vote supporting and 3 votes opposing. packbat receives P = (60x(F/V)) - (Ax(12/E)) = (60*(1/4))-3*12/6 = 9 points.
  • 377 by palmer_kun, delaying completion of sessions when no proposals are made, passed with 3 votes supporting and 1 opposing. palmer_kun receives P = (60x(F/V)) - (Ax(12/E)) = (60*(3/4))-1*12/6 = 43 points.
  • 378"> by gible, reducing scores during every idle interval, passed with 3 votes supporting and 1 opposing. gible receives P = (60x(F/V)) - (Ax(12/E)) = (60*(3/4))-1*12/6 = 43 points.

Game Object Proposals


Offices & Office Motions

Contest Proposals

No news.
Session Thirty-Four Activity

Standard Proposals


Game Object Proposals

Office Motions

Contest Proposals

  • active_apathy is penalized 5 points for failing to update the ruleset.
  • active_apathy is penalized 2^2 * 3 = 12 points for failing to vote in a second consecutive poll (the session poll).
  • jonatan_kilhamn is penalized 4^2 * 3 = 48  points for failing to vote in a fourth consecutive poll (the session poll).
  • packbat and active_apathy are penalized 2017 points each for a late vote post, and both are removed from the game.
  • As palmer_kun has gained 500 points, he acquires the title High Scorer, and all scores are divided by three.
Session Thirty-Five Poll
Poll Session Thirty-Five Poll - Nomicide, Game Three Player List

gible, Mt. : 29 points
jonatan_kilhamn : 13 points
palmer_kun, Hd., H.S. : 170 points
stagemanager : 31 points

Mean score: 81 points.
Median score: 30 points.


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