"Austria - Criminal law Article §188 : Vilification of Religious Teachings
Brazil - Article §208 of the penal code states that “publicly vilifying an act or object of religious worship” is a crime punishable with one month to a year of incarceration, or fine
Canada - blasphemous libel is an offence under section 296(1) of the Criminal Code. It is an indictable offence and is punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
Denmark - Paragraph §140 of the penal code, The hate speech paragraph (266b)
Ireland - Article §40.6.1.i. of the Constitution, which states “The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law”
Finland - Section 10 of Chapter §17 of the Criminal Code relate to blasphemy.
Germany - Article §166 of the German criminal law, if a deed is capable of disturbing the public peace, Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 par. 3) defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, the substance of the religious or world view conviction of others, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to three years.
Greece - Article §198 “Malicious Blasphemy”, One who publicly and maliciously and by any means blasphemes God shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than two years.
Israel - Articles §173 of the penal code “Insult to religion”, If a person does any of the following, then the one is liable to one year imprisonment: (1) One publishes a publication that is liable to crudely offend the religious faith or sentiment of others;
Italy - Article §724 of the penal Code, blasphemy now is considered as an “administrative offense” and punished with a fine.
New Zealand - section §123 the Crimes Act 1961 to publish any blasphemous libel. The maximum punishment is one year imprisonment.
Poland - penal code, “Whoever offends religious feelings of other people by publicly insulting an object of religious cult or a place for public holding of religious ceremonies, is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty or loss of liberty for up to 2 years”
Russia - Article §148 of Russian Crimianl Code 1 it is declared a federal crime to conduct “public actions, clearly defying the society and committed with express purpose of insulting religious beliefs”.
Spain - Article §525 of the penal law in Spain considers “vilification” of religious “feelings”, “dogmas”, “beliefs” or “rituals”.
Switzerland - Article 261 of the penal code titled “Attack on the freedom of faith and the freedom to worship” (Störung der Glaubens- und Kultusfreiheit) criminalizes public and malicious insult or mockery of religious convictions of others
U.K - The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 (c. 1) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which creates an offence in England and Wales of inciting hatred against a person on the grounds of their religion.
“Religious insult”, which is a subset of the crime of blasphemy. It is forbidden in Andorra, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine."