Feb 09, 2006 20:33
So I really haven't had an actual "update" in a while...nothing of real important has happened. Yesterday I had to have a meeting with Mr. Stoneall and my parents, it wasn't actually all that bad. On friday I'm going to visit my grandpa and help him out. He's doing alot better than the last time I saw him. The only thing that's wrong is he still can't swallow solid foods. During his surgery they took out nerves from his neck and all this really complicated stuff that I'm not smart enough to explain. My mom is starting to get more hopeful as well. Also on tuesday I have my third behind the wheel...I hope to God it's not with Tony, he makes me nervous and yells at me if I make mistakes. I have to go on the highway, I'm not that nervous, the only thing I'm worried about is if I get Tony T__T lol. Oh, and I told my mom that when i turn 16, I want my birthday party at Chucky Cheese, lol. She obviously thought I was a nerd. And in 4th hour today there was only 4 people including myself, it was pretty shweet. We finished Chorus Line, I luff that movie ^_^ There's this song called Tits and Ass in it...hi-larious. I need to find out where I can buy it...The other day in the hall, Mrs. Zinus or Zinos or whatever it is, went up to my older brother and told him to stop currupting my mind...i think it's because I told her all Asians can fly and all nuns have super powers...hmmm, I'm not sure. So yeah, that's pretty much all that's going on. lol. Not very entertaining, but whatever.