* I had a weird dream just now, *better say so it'd not come true* it's kind of tragic& sad. feels like I was just an observer& not part in it. someone while searching for something run to its self destruction in the end ;__; some time i felt like it knew what'd happen but continued anyway...
I wonder if it's a sign.
* and and Mizukawa Asami is in Orthros no Inu!!! lol I must be the last to learn it ^^;; but omg, that just pushed this series up to 2nd place on my to-watch list this summer! Eri& Sousuke! okay scratch that. But some of u may remember how they almost became one of my OTPs lol because HI!Gorgeous! X] Anyway according to Takki.us she plays Nagisa, a female detective from the Metropolitan Police Department, who is a single mother with a sick daughter. I hope her role is somehow important maybe Takki can use his power to save her daughter? maybe he'll use her? XO I know she had worked with Takki but I've never seen it so really looking forwards to this collab ^^!
damn it I have to dig up those icons,
I was disappointed that Kyoko's not in Nagase drama :(( &thought that I will finally see her in a different role... well, nevertheless, this drama still tops my list XD the story sounds total crack comedy with illogical actions lol plus who dun't want to see Nagase as a nun? lol xD
* My other crush for Higa Manami, love her since CB she's so freakin' beautiful!! <3<3<3
Just dled 5LDK with Toma& her as guests, gawd, this' gonna be totally adorable XD
Cute <3<3 but I still can't believe 'the parents' are same age ^^, lol
Since this entry is quiet short, didn't use lj cut, hope it's ok ne *being lazy on weekend*