ficlet: Jack Harkness/Smurfette (as a domme, plus other Smurfs)

Oct 28, 2009 16:09

Fandoms: Torchwood/the Smurfs
Notes: Written for the omnijaxual community. Complete, utter crack.
Spoilers: Not really
Rating: R?
Wordcount: 100

"Whoa, wait, when I said you were a cute little thing and could have your way with me, this was not what I had in mind!"

Inspired by this pairing prompt. For the visual inspiration, picture this, but instead of Gulliver-esque guy, naked Jack Harkness, surrounded by Smurfs (in black leather versions of their usual outfits).

smurfette, fic, jack harkness, smurfs, omnijaxual

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