A Signpost on the road of things to come.

Jun 08, 2009 11:58

Let this be a lesson to you children. Never sit idly by and expect the world to do it's bidding. Sometimes, you just have to give someone a swift kick in what they percieve as life. I have been sitting on a boiling pot of anger and frustration regarding a friend. It boiled over yesterday in a spectacular display. I am pleased with myself that it's out there in the open, as it should be. I think I was somewhat afraid of the negative effects the note that I wrote would have on this friend. I kept delaying until he provoked a response. When he did, I realized that in the heat of battle, it probably would not be nearly as bad as a sudden shift into it. Perfect timing.

In other news, the house that I toured for potential purchase was a total shitbrick. Rotting floorboards, handicap poles all over the place, mildew, black mold, badly placed carpeting, no furnace, or a/c, a mosquito-infested backyard pond, a garage that was about to cave in, and acoustic tiles in the main room that were minutes away from buckling under the stress of whatever was above them. I didn't ask, for I didn't want to know. It's a foreclosure, okay, but something was fishy when they asked $51,900 for it one day and then were willing to go $35,500 the next. As I left I told the nice lady "Seriously, I'd get a wrecker, and I'd tear down this rat's nest of a house, I'd blast the ground, and then I'd fill it back up, and sell the lot to a commercial entity, you'd get at least $80,000 for the land alone!". And that's how it played out.

About the worst news this week is that John is leaving work. Just like all the other times someone leaves, it rained that day. Not the actual day when he gave his two weeks, rather the day he told me he had the job. This presents a bit of a quandary. I am the last person left of our little group. The whole staff has learned the daily grind, and most of them have gotten better offers and left. I am still doing (essentially) the same job I signed on to do in April of 2005 at that store. I have been promoted only once, and it was just hours and benefits. No real shifting. Oh well...John deserves his new job. I wish him nothing but the best of luck. Congratulations, John. A finer send-off could never have been predicted in my LJ.

And now, because Tabetha said that I never post about dreams any more (and to be honest, I haven't had any), I will post not one but two dreams that I did have last night. They are, as ever, placed .

This is a little doozie I like to call the "X-Files Dream". Now, I haven't watched X-Files at all recently. Not one episode. The last time I watched anything remotely regarding X-Files was back a few months with Tabetha and John and that total shitbrick of a movie that they had.

Alright, so...I see a car, and judging by the type of car it is, I predict that it is a rental car. There is a Oregon liscence plate on it, as it goes speeding past. The lower right hand corner reads (in the traditional X-Files style) "Rural Oregon, Monday June 8, 4:40am". The car comes to a screeching halt as two people in FBI attire exit the vehicle. They are greeted by a guy wearing a National Park Service jacket. This guy is John. There is no doubt there. He states "As of today, we've had several dead cows in the area, three dead goats, a pet monkey, as well as two cats, a dog, and a bird. whatever this thing is, it does not care what species you are...each one of them has had their eyeballs removed from their head, and we thought it was just a couple of bored teenagers until we saw the fang marks on the dead cats. Whatever this thing is, it's getting more violent. That's why we called you, they say you deal with this kind of thing". Slow pan up to my face, and of course Tabetha next to me. "Yes, I do". the next 40-odd minutes reveal that I am playing Mulder, and Tabetha (with Red dyed hair) is Scully. The investigation takes the usual course. Until... The scene is an abandoned lab in Oregon. There are shadows being cast everywhere, and although there are plenty of light switches, I elect in usual style not to flick them on. I stumble through the dark, until I happen upon a notebook in a room. I open it "Project 219 shows progress. Subject has extreme disgust for feline, canine, primate, and other types of life. Training it to kill will not be difficult". As I read the last line, a figure darts behind me in the darkness, I go up and down hallways, weapon drawn, and then as it seems all is quiet, I turn around and the nearest window is casting a shadow of a figure, which by the looks of it has to be right behind me. I turn and the creature which looks like a goat head on a bear's body growls and bleats and lunges at me. I get knocked to the ground and Tabetha (in Scully style) saves me with a lucky shot. The camera pans up as the two of us are lying on the floor waiting for an ambulance. I kinda missed the after-bit. I do know that John was Skinner. That was pretty funny, because he kinda looks like Skinner. I don't recall what, if anything, he said.

The second dream had to do with a documentary on why a certain King could not have sex with his wife to grant an heir to a kingdom.

I had nothing to do with this one, and all I saw was a King attempting to rape a young girl in a chamber. It was disconcerting, and moreover, once he found no entry, he left her, crying and she felt as if she let her kingdom down. So a second consort, this time much older and plump was brought in. That created a union. Plenty of sexual noises, and the like. I guess I must have heard a midnight sex session upstairs in my sleep because that is about what it was like.

So those two dreams were about it. Now, a day of peace and quiet contemplation. I am also going to clean the living room, dining room, and computer area. The kitchen is a total disaster again, despite countless cleanings, and I am just tired of cleaning it over and over again. Something new has to be accomplished.

Out. Of. Here. Now.

getting it off my chest, dreams, work, john leaves

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