I'd be so poor if I did. Besides the higher cost of everything else, the CDs are the worst. Just bought a 2 disc set from
Therion for the low, low price of about $29.
Now, if I did live here, my CD collection wouldn't've cost me the estimated $11,000 I paid for them, but rather Y2,100,000 (US$18,800). eh, I guess it's not THAT much more, but still.
And I've never seen so many singles. Probably about 50% of what's in the store is singles... maybe 3-4 tracks, one being an instrumental version of the primary track. Worthless. Well, except that they cost around Y1,100 ($9). I never really bought singles in the states, so hell if I remember what they cost, but I never remember seeing this many of them. Hell, a third of them come with a "bonus" dvd. That probably has more material than the CD itself. Ehe, whatever.
I was still this close to buying a single by "Zwei." Still a Japanese band (2 chicks, I think). But the chorus has such a hook for me. Good harmonies. The rest of the song isn't that great, but I might have to lay down the bucks to get the song out of my head. gah.