PFF Movie Review: Singles

Apr 12, 2004 11:16

film details
This was different from what I expected.  Normally a good thing, unless you're seeing a movie because you expect a certain feel.

This one's about 2 almost-30 women living where else, Seoul.  (Well, you wouldn't think of anywhere else if I told you it was Korean to begin with...).  It didn't feel like when I was in Seoul.  Now with this title, I would've expected either more men or more "quality" relationships.  What I got was 1 or 2 relationships that didn't seem to have any connection, even if one of the girls got engaged (which was later broken).  The other girl, who had 46 boyfriends over her dating career ended up getting pregnant when she slept with her roommate and friend... (comfort sex).  She refused to marry him and even refused to let him find out.  Hell, half of the movie was the career aspirations of the first girl...

Part of the problem (for me) was that I'm sure I missed a lot because I don't understand a lot of the Korean social habits.  (I forget the proper word)


Obviously, I couldn't connect with either of the girls, nor with the guy the main character was dating.  I could, a bit, with the roommate, but not too much.  And he wasn't in the scenes too often...


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