Got a blessed email from MacHighway this morning about the connectivity problems I’ve been having recently! The problem wasn’t what they thought it was, but thankfully they figured it out and got it all worked out. Which is SUCH a good thing, I was on the end of my rope trying to work yesterday! I knew they’d get it fixed.
And after working with LJ yesterday I was reminded of all the reasons I went to Wordpress in the first place. It’s grown into a monster since those simple days of high school blogging. Ads. Lack of customization without paying for it. Way more features than I needed and the features I DID need I have to pay for to make it worth anything. The only thing I really care about on there is my friends list, and I have to pay to get an RSS feed of just my friends list. So we’ll just have to remember to log on.
Next week is my first Holzer-Kitchenless weekend. I’ll be spending it getting things ready for the Mason County job, and franticly trying to catch up for the end of the semester. But I have a production/payment schedule set up for the Mason County job, and the way I figured it I shouldn’t have to touch a patient tray for the entire Summer. So let’s make that my goal.
But that’s next weekend. Today is Saturday, and I think I’m on Cafeteria Duty. A half-hour of register time. *ugh*
The End.
Originally published at
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comments there.