This Friday's Now THAT'S Weird is one NOT to miss.......
Whilst in America at the International UFO Congress, I interviewed a host of major names and will be chatting about the conference and playing some of these interviews live on Friday March 7th.
Interviews include:
RUSSELL TARG from the Stamford Research Institute where the CIA remote viewing projects took place under Russell's direct guidance.
DON BURRISCH & MARIA McDOWALL - who allegedly worked at Area 51 on the Majestic 12 time travel project for the the US government and worked with aliens and humans from the future!
GEOGIO TSOUKOURIS - Erik Von Danniken's right hand man!
PHYLLIS SCHLEMMER - One of the world's most recognised channellers of the Council of 9.
WENDELL STEVENS - One of the world's leading UFO investigators
MICHAEL HORN - Discussing why the Billy Mieir abduction case is real!
RICHARD DOLAN - A US historian who tunred from sceptic to believer after uncovering UFO facts from the US government files.
JIM MARRS - Probably the best known UFO and conspiracies investigator in the USA!
LARRY WARREN - A USAF security man on duty on the night of the Rendlesham UFO landing tells the truth about what REALLY went on over THREE nights at the US air force base!
JIM SPARKS - One of the best documented alien abductee's tells his own story.
And many more!
Tune in 9 p.m. - Midnight GMT Friday March 7th at Ross