Feb 19, 2008 09:23
I watched a TV programme over the weekend, showing kids as young as 7 being taken on the road by their parents as "young preachers" in the old "fire and brimstone" style. I was apalled.
One kid just 7 years old, was regularly "spanked" by his mother as part of his "education" and his father made him get up and preach the "word of the lord" in New York in front of a very hostile crowd. The child ended up crying his eyes out.
In Brazil, one father whose daughter also preaches to mass congregations, admits they "sleep together" in the same bed! This is not NORMAL Christian behaviour is it? The father also admits to a term in prison and being "the worst of the worst, a formerly very evil man"
Is it right to push kids of this age in this direction?
Christian extremists in the USA are becoming almost as greater threat as the Islamic extremists are supposed to be - preaching some real nonsense and condemning people for their "sins". Wasn't it Jesus himself who allegedly said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?
Everyone is entitled to free speech and free opinion, regardless of race or religion, but should kids this young be allowed to be exploited in this way?