Various Marvel comics things

Apr 09, 2011 00:43

Hello, LJ world. I am still alive, but I've been lurking in Marvel comics fandom lately, a lot of which is located in places other than livejournal.

So, in the (possibly over-optimistic) spirit of 'if you built it, they will come', I've finally got around to setting up a Doctor Doom fan community at doomfans. I've posted a master list of all the Doom fanfiction I've found around the web, plus a batch of icons, and will likely be rambling about all the comics I'm reading over there henceforth.

This also reminded me to repost a few Marvel ficlets I wrote as anonymous kink meme responses over at marvelkink-v2. (All entirely PG-rated kink meme responses, naturally, for this is how I roll.) So, I've stuck 'em up at AO3 for the moment, and will probably post them to too, at some point when it is not after midnight. ETA: done, and links added.

Two Fantastic Four stories:
Intentions [AO3 /]
Reed/Victor AU. In which Victor is perturbed to find himself infatuated with his oblivious college roommate. (1750 words)

Ignition [AO3 /]
Reed/Johnny backstory for the 'one dimension away' AU shown in F4 #563. (1150 words)

And one Thor story:Unity [AO3 /]
In which Don, Sif and Thor negotiate some boundaries. Don/Sif(/Thor) (1600 words).
...I think I have possibly quite literally posted more stuff tonight than I have in the last year. And I still have more to do before I sleep.

doctor doom, marvel, thor, fantastic four, fic

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