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Feb 08, 2010 15:59

LJ has just changed its tagging system so that the URLs for multi-word tags have spaces instead of plus signs. In other words, the tag "rambling about my fic" no longer points to:

" http://nomadicwriter.livejournal.com/tag/rambling+about+my+fic"

but now to:

" http://nomadicwriter.livejournal.com/tag/rambling about my fic"
(or " http://nomadicwriter.livejournal.com/tag/rambling%20about%20my%20fic")

So if you've got hard-coded links or bookmarks to such things anywhere, they're gonna be busted. On the flip side, if you follow a link and get the 'no such tag exists' message, replacing the plus signs with spaces should fix that for you.

It seems this is a change to comply with web standards, so complaining to LJ will not achieve anything.

...That quiet sound you just heard is people who maintain extensive recs lists and indexes weeping softly in corners.

(I am so glad I bend over backwards to avoid linking to multi-part fics on LJ if I can possibly help it, so the only thing I had to change at nomads_gen_recs was the master lists. I think. Give me a poke if you trip over a dead link anywhere.)

lj stuff

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