Name: Tylar
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Male
Birthday: September 26
Sign: Libra
Siblings: 1 sister, one sister-in-law-ish
? ?? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ? ??
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
How many exes do you have?: that entirely depends on what you concider a relationship.....real ones? imo, 5, in actuality, i think im at 14 now.....
What is your longest relationship?: 7 months
What was your shortest "relationship"?: 2 weeks
? ?? F A S H I O N | S T U F F ? ??
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Michaels/somewhere wehere they sell clothes
Favorite brand?: i like these jockey shirts i get....
What do you wear most the time?: clothes.....
? ?? S P E C I F I C S ? ??
Do you do drugs?: mmmmcant say that i do
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Whatevers in the shower at the time.
What are you listening to right now: RAIN
Who is the last person that called you?: Heather....=D
Where do you want to get married? I probably havent found the place i want t get married yet. I want to build the place where i get married though....
What would you change about yourself?: I would give myself buttons. Like an 'awake' button to wake up in the morning. or a 'sleep' button to make myself sleep. that would solve billions of problems for me.....
?? F A V O R I T E S ? ??
Foods: I enjoy Pizza hot Pockets.
Boy Name: Tyler, cause its awesome.
Subjects in school: Composition, cause its the only class im taking.
? ?? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ? ??
Given anyone a bath?: Ive given someone a shower....
Skinny dipped?: I will. Soon. Ill keep y'all posted.
Cried when someone died?: no....but i have at the thought of someone dying, its just those people havent died yet.
Lied: ehhh.....sometimes its unnavoidable.
Fallen for your best friend?: well, generally they become my best friends AFTER ive dated yes?
Done something you regret?: a couple things yeah, but i workin on it.....
? ?? C U R R E N T ? ??
Clothes: beanie, jockey t-shirt, jeans, work boots, and my sweatshirt.
Annoyance: work
Smell: mud
DVD in player: the porno i gt last night
? ?? L A S T | P E R S O N ? ??
Hugged: my sister or shaun.....
You IMed: amalamb!!!
You yelled at: Joey! the bastard tried to leave me at the building....
? ?? A R E | Y O U ? ??
Understanding: yes, but im frequently confused....
Open minded: As open as paris hiltons legs...
Insecure: ish-ish
Random: Nothing is random. Its all a par tof my brilliant scheme......
Moody: meh, not really.
Healthy: mentally or physically?
Shy: you wouldnt believe how much so.
Difficult: i try not to be, but ive found that that makes it more difficult. damn paradoxes.
Obsessed: aaallll the time.
Sad: not really no.
Happy: mostly.
Hyper: with the proper regulated aount of sugah!!!
? ?? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ? ??
Kill?: My evil nemesi
Slap?: My sister, it sounds bad, but oh does she need it.
Get really wasted with?: i wouldnt, but if i had to, Jay and Silent Bob.
Have sex with: i dont wanna have sex for a while right now, but theres a few people to tell the truth...
All you need is: life
Love is: friggin sweet sauce.
I dream about: god, i have the coolest dreams. Last night, i was with al my friends from Santa Cruz on a trip to the Antarctic. it was intense.
? ?? W H O ? ??
Makes you smile: Lots a people, its the length of the smiling that counts. Heather dose it most frequently, but when amalamb does it, it lasts for a long time cause she doesnt have a chance to do it very often.
Makes you laugh: i laugh at friggin everything man.....
Makes you cry: My lil buddy
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him or her?: heather......*sigh*
? ?? D O | Y O U | E V E R ? ??
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: not lately, but yeeeah i do that.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? all the time. I would pay money to be a lesbian. but only for a lil bit.
Wish you were younger: shit no, i just got here, im not about to o back now....
? ?? Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ? ??
I am: bored
I want: cuddle, heather, sleep, food.
I have: to get off work.
I wish: i was in santa cruz
I hear: rain
I hate: fucking hippopotami
I fear: those goddamn hippos
I wonder: about everything man. lifes a trip.
[.It's all about me.]
~Hi, my name is...
01. Name: The vagrant King
02. Age: 18
03. Birthday: few weeks ago
04. Chinese Zodiac: bunny!!!!!
05. Astrological Zodiac: Scales
06. Home Town: n/a
07. Eye Color: bluew/gold
08. Hair Color: boring old brown
09. Height: 5'10" perfectly average.
10. Sex: maleish
[.In today's world.]
~Today feels so...
11. Current Location: my office
12. Current Mood: anxious
13. Current Annoyance: work
14. Current Hatred: time....
15. Current Love: EVERYTHING
16. Current Weather: rrrraaaaaaainy
17. Current Time: 4:02
18. Current Date: October 17, 2005
19. Current Clothing: nekkid
20. Current Need: a bed, a heather, and lunch
[.That was so yesterday.]
~de ja vu?
21. Last person you saw: m boss, Mr. Cabatbat
22. Last person you were pissed at: My sister
23. Last thing you touched: the Mouse
24. Last thing you ate: i dont even remember anymore.....
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: my mommy
26. Last person you instant messaged: my amalamb about amalamb
27. Last thing you purchased: pornography
28. Last book you read: JLA # 119
29. Last game you played: Mine Sweeper
30. Last person you missed: my kitty...
[.The future is too close.]
~It's so bright...
31. Where will you be living?: santa cruz
32. With who?(if anyone): prolly my awesome sauce cousin Alina
33. What will be your profession?: construction worker
34. Married?: eventually
35. Your future car: a fuckin bus yo.
36. Your dream house: i dont even want a house, i just want to live on the road with my lover for all eternity, and then retire and get a nice country cottage to raise kiddles.
37. Kids?: 2 and a half
38. Pets?: a MONKEY!!!!
[.Playing favorites.]
~I simply love those...
39. Favorite Color: Grun
40. Favorite Animal: MONKEY!
41. Favorite Artist/Band: Flogging Molly
42. Favorite kind of music: Irish Ska
43. Favorite month: September, cause im conceited
44. Favorite weather: pouring monster rain
45. Favorite sport: football
46. Favorite food: anykind at this point...
47. Favorite stores: comic book stores.
48. Favorite article of clothing: my SC beanie
49. Favorite song: rebels of the sacred heart
50. Favorite place to be: with my loved ones.
[.What love life?.]
~Love is a battlefield...
A)- Currently
51. Single, taken, married?: one
52. Are you in love?: Yes
53. If so, with who?: we'll talk later
54. Do they love you back?: To my best knowledge, yes
55. How long have you been with them?: again, complicated answer.
B)- Perfect in Everyway [describe your ideal lover]
56. Eye color?: bright Green
57. Hair color?: dark, crazy-ish
58. Personality?: fun and happy and interesting
59. Appearence?: no preferance really. i like lips...
60. Other: [fill in whatever other stuff here.] must like comic books. or be open to the idea of comic books.
[.The bad things.]
~The bad side of me...
61. My last argument was about: joey, about how hes a dumbass.
62. I'm guilty of...: Lots of things probably. Fiddling mostly.
63. I use profanity when...: it makes what im saying funnier.
64. I'm still mad at...: Joey Stuart Jake and Oprah, for stealing my mothers mind.
65. My worst trait is...: ugh, lack of motivation for self purposes.
66. I lied to...: myself
67. I still haven't...: gotten my ass out of bed on time.
68. I hate...: nothing really. Hippos.
69. I want to harm...: Whoevers fucking idea it was to invent Orange County.
70. I failed at...: couple classes sophmore year, and half of my junior year. (yay, im a dropout)
[.The good things.]
~Feel good about yourself...
71. My best trait is...: my infinte knowledge of comic books.
72. People like me because...: hell if i know. all i know is that they do.
73. I like to...: read and write.
74. I'm happiest when...: im cuddly
75. I want to...: actually, i wanna do the same as amalamb.
76. I succeed at...: the things i want to succeed at.
77. The last time I helped someone was...: Cynthia at work hauling the cellophane to the deck.
78. I wish for...: Super Powers
79. I laugh when...: anything happens that i like. Im like a baby.
80. Today, I will...: sleep, eventually. it depends on if i call heatheror not.
[.Word Association.]
~What word comes to mind when I say...
81. Banana: monkey
82. Angelic: demons!!!
83. Happy: me
84. Emo: laughs
85. Blanket: The brave little toaster
86. Blue: rain
87. Deity: oprah
89. War: The four horseman of apocalypse!!!!
90. Melon: boooobs
91. Hate: stuart?
92. Run: my kittys nose
93. December: christmas!!!
94. Best Friend: amalamb
95. Worst Enemy: im gonna say that charachter in my comic book.
96. Toothpaste: minty fresh
97. Television: foobah!!
98. Competition: grunt!
99. Love: mmmmm......
100. Serendipity: oogling boobies
~That was lame...
101. What time is it?: 1037
102. Was this survey lame?:eh, ive seen better
103. Where did you find this survey?: amalamb
104. Will you force other people to take this?: i will threaten them with their souls.
105. How do you feel after filling out 105 survey questions?: kinda sleepy. wanna call heather.