Aug 12, 2009 07:34
August 1st - August 5th I flew back to Minneapolis for my bff's birthday bash.. Jenn finally turned 25, while the rest of us geezer's are turning 26+. It was an action packed few days but well worth the lack of sleep and time spent with my friends. I flew in on Sat morning and Jenn picked me up. We went straight to Paula and KJ's new place to check it out and say hi to Sarai for her birthday. Then we headed to happy hour. If there is anything I miss about Minneapolis, more specifically Uptown, it's freaking happy hour. Oh Stellas, how you warm my sould with your awesome frickles and cheese wontons! And just to top it off, 2 for 1's.. yes I do miss uptown! Then we went to Filigio's...also had some drink specials..7pm, we roll back to Jenn's to drink there. Well we are now drinking while getting ready for downtown...
Downtown was a blast, tons of dancing and ladies night.. whoohoooo... ended the night by going to the good ol' uptown diner (where I never actually eat my food, just smell it and look at it) and back to pass out on my rockin air matress! Zzzzzzzz
Sunday morning...Mimosa's and Bloodys at The View (they have the best Bloody's in Minneapolis)
Got a chance to just go lay out by Calhoun...the funny thing is at 80 degrees tons (TONS) of people were laying out, playing beach volley ball, walking around the lake and at the was great for people watching! Sunday night we bbq'd on Nates roof...this was awesome, got to see the city lights, play some spades and eat some amazing food. Monday was Jenn's actual birthday.. lunch at Psycho Suzies with Katie P.
Happy hour downtown that night with Johnnny and the whole Cigna gang. Nothing was more profound to me than how glad I am that I took that leap of faith and moved. Starting over was the best decision I think I have allowed myself to make... thank you Rachel for influencing me and picking me off my ass when I didn't really know what to do with my life. Now, to those who are at Cigna, I hope that it leads to the places you want to be most, for me the option was drown in myself or leave. Leaving MSP was one of the hardest things I have ever done, I still to this day miss my friends dearly, but I do not miss my old job at all! I truly feel the only way to categorize that job was that it had a purpose of giving me some real life experience and then proceeded to suck the life out of my every breathe. My challenge to anyone that is unhappy with where they are is to sincerely look at everything you do and know that you can choose something else...yes, it is very scary and it is risky but for me...IT WAS WORTH IT!
Tuesday I spent with Heather, doing the old routine.. went through clothes (thanks for the awesome finds) and went to Rosedale. I even stopped in to see my hairdresser.. I just wanted Ethan to touch my hair.. haha! Tuesday night back at Jenn's to play spades and off to the airport at 5am..
That was my whirlwind trip.. got back to Houston at 11 am and came to work by 12:30pm wow!!
Work has continued to present me with awesome opportunities.. who knew.. I can design video games. Her Legacy has been on hold because of other projects, but will start working hard on that again soon!
I started school on the 3rd, possibly going to kill me with tons of reading and tests but I will hopefully survive to tell you about public policy and the paradoxes it presents to society.. What else.....
On the 20th the movers come to load up my stuff... I am moving down the street to a nicer apt..( I am so excited to have my own washer and dryer, garden tub and huge gym.. yeah for new apartments. I have my electricity switched and my internet so we shall see how easy of a transition we can make this..
Just working hard, playing hard and hoping that oneday everything pays off!