
Sep 02, 2007 11:36

    So, I lost a friend this weekend.  Normally this wouldn't be so bad, but it's how it happened and with whom it happened that is bizarre.  The person has changed so much and the sad thing is she is more nieve than I ever was. What is worth all this? Better yet, is anything worth this?  It all began innocuously Friday night.
    After moving around some places Friday night, I ended up calling a friend and being informed they were heading to a local bar.  Now, I knew the bouncer that was working the door there; we were on odd terms.  However, I still went along with going there to see my friends.  When I get to the bar, who is it I see there but my ex-girlfriend.  This is a tad bit awkward, but we have both decided to be civil and try and be friends still.  I say hi to everyone and go buy a pitcher to add to the table.  When I return I ask my ex to merely introduce me to her friends, because she's been talking about them a lot and I would like to know them.  This apparently is a terribly arduous task and needs to be broken up by her insulting me.  This insult said by anyone else would not have affected me, but she knew comments like that really annoyed me and she still said it.  I of course did not react in a happy manner, but instead retorted with a comment that came with a very severe bite.
    My ex couldn't take this comment for whatever reason.  If I'm just supposed to take a joke, why can't she?  She runs up to her new boyfriend, who is the bar's bouncer, and informs him of how much of an 'asshole' I am.  When she returns the situation has reached such an awkward state that I just leave.  The situation is just ramping up now.
    I get home in a terrible mood yelling to my roomies to 'leave me alone!'  Luckily, my amazing girlfriend is still up and we talk for a while.  I feel a lot better about the situation, but this is before the real drama started.  I soon get a message on Facebook(yeah, how 21st century drama).  The message informs me that if I ever make contact with my ex again her boyfriend is going to hunt me down like 'the fuckstain' I am.  This letter is of course riddled with poor typing and grammar mistakes.  If you're going to threaten someone at least take the extra second to make it sound nice.  This is of course beyond the scope of his intellect and therefore not going to happen.  He also proceeds to block me on Facebook.  I wake up in the morning to the sound of a Facebook text informing me my ex is trying to friend me back online.
    This comes as a surprise as I thought she knew about him blocking me earlier and was OK with it.  She ended up apologizing for not realizing the comment she made would be so hurtful and I thought we were at least back to OK.  Much to my surprise, this was not the case.  An hour later I got a great instant message informing me that there is now "an ass-kicking coming." This was followed by the now common Facebook block.  This time these actions don't really piss me off.  They are, for lack of a better thing to say, comical.  The last even that put the icing on the cake is when I found out that in addition to all the childish online activities, he removed me from her cellphone's directory.  I'm a little bothered by this 'icing on the cake,' but there is not much I can do and in the end this is definitely better.
    It bothers me a bit that someone who can say they care so much about you can just drop someone off the face of the earth so quickly.  The funny thing is how blind she seems to be.  A quote from one of her best friends last night, "I can't think of anyone ever saying anything nice about him."  Another quote from one of her best friends, who because of an earlier event does not consider her a best friend anymore, but that's a different story, "I think their relationship is more dysfunctional than you two were."  These were both referring to my ex and her new boyfriend.  She likes to act like everything is working out so perfect, but she has changed and is allowing herself to be brainwashed and lead by her boyfriend. 
    In the end, this situation is rather comical, because of the level of immaturity that was thrown back at me.  I'm not bothered by it anymore and in only one day have come to terms with the ordeal, because this is just one big slap in the face to realize how weak of a person and how poor of a friend she is.
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