Nov 12, 2005 15:42
God I ache today. I went to a wine and cheese shindig at the bungalo last night with a pretty nice bottle of wine, -I was happy with it anyways- and promptly got really drunk. I managed to remain coherent if a bit stumbly, and I may have made a bit of a fool of myself dancing. I don't know if that's true, but I feel slightly foolish regardless. I'm not entirely comfortable around those people and I danced anyway. So I'm kinda proud of myself and ever so slightly ashamed. I escaped a hangover but my legs kill and I've got blisters from my boots. I think I'm just going to clean house today and relax.
I felt less an outsider there than I used to, but I still get a feeling of exclusion when I'm there. At least this time it wasn't because I didn't make an effort to talk to people. Maybe I'll make a point to hang around a bit more. It was good to see Sam and Ryan again and I met some other cool people as well. So over all it was a good night.
The new job is as good as can be expected. The managment is mean, cheap, a bit irrational, and often incoherent. The money is good enough for now, so I'll grin and bear it until something better comes along. I'm getting the paperwork for Alaska in the next few days and will be able to continue that whole process. I'm really excited about it and so are my compatriots. Hell, even my mom is excited. Cody and I did some good research on it. Turns out it is really damn safe for what it is. I mean the boat is 8 freakin stories tall, it tends not to fall over or even get tossed about too much. So for all of you I love who for some reason always act odd and sketchy when I bring up Alaska: Yes it's hard work, but I'm not afraid of it. It's 3 months of my life on a ship in the cold, eating well, exercising, and meditating through the process of repetitive motion and intese crappy labor. It's 15,000 dollars. No, not 1500. 15,000. I really don't need to defend this, I'm going to do it, but I guess I just want everyone to be happy with and understand my choice. I'll come back with enough money to pursue my dream, I'll be a deal more fit, I'll have had an adventure on exotic seas with some of my closest even if I do spend half the time with fish guts pooling at my ankles. Yo ho ho
There's some chance that we may move out of Kansas when we get back from Alaska. There's talk of a few places, but we haven't laid any plans yet. I'd like to push for Washington or Oregon, but Colorado and Colombia MO have also been mentioned. It might turn out to be another year in Lawrence though, which I would also welcome, but whenever we do it I think we're all going together and getting a big place. These people are so very easy to get along with.