May 29, 2007 10:50
you're moving on borrowed time.
another loan would only be denied.
life, the loan shark that it is,
won't settle for a refund
because yesterday is used up
and tomorrow doesn't matter.
waiting for a way out
with hands that don't feel
and eyes that don't see,
you stand defenseless
against the inevitable looming
of life's lackeys,
come to cut off all ten fingers
and ten toes of your hope.
when the loan shark commands you
to clean up the mess
born out of your own mistakes,
know that this only calls for payback.
take all the seconds left in your loan,
make your getaway,
and do with it what feeling hands
the open eyes will do.
yesterday is dead,
tomorrow is still being born,
and later is too late.
while now is alive and kicking,
milk it of its profits.
when life catches up to you,
go down hard and take
as much of it to the death with you.
life doesn't have immortality
but now is the only time you can take it on.
my poetry