Aug 02, 2011 11:33
The Spacers weren't the first to think of that. The golden nosed seed passer was an artifact of some antiquity. It had been known to the Grovans and that was some centuries before the great cloud arks or nebular crossings. The Spacers were not great inventors but were great embellishers, which it must be admitted is a form of invention though it creates a novelty that is held in no stronger grip than the mind.
Spacers were pilots of daring and uncommon skill. This was known even after their swift spindle ships were nothing more than quickly receding memories. Racing into forgetfulness as fast as they had spend to Xylon or Carpath on some long forgotten errand. Their aerial acrobatics were still the stuff of myth even after all the Spacers had become bankers or tax appraisal men, when they had not been seen on the star lanes in person within living memory. Indeed the great Spacing Banks would last as institutions far longer than the flash-by dashing pilots who had pioneered them.
They were still called the Spacers or the Outlanders, but they had lived on Teros Mon for so long they might be more accurately called Terrestrials like every other Monsman. They were different though. That fact was still true.