Sep 21, 2005 10:13
I am glad to inform you, I am so going to rot in hell! JK Well the tension is building. My head will be xploding causing the portion of my body that isn't used at all to cover my room. OH Oh oh At least I am enjoying my insanity while I can, cause I will be going apeshit till I either get out of here or I remove the section of my brain that controls my urges. Guy seriously hope to god you never have to go thru what I am experiencing, for those of you that dont know what that is, don't worry about it your not a normal person in my life, for those of you that have an idea what i am talking about, yes it is caused by that succubus.
Here is the lyric to the thing that just decided to play while I was writing this, which is just god damn funny:
"I try to fuck the bitches but the bitches won't fuck - me. Fuck me. Fuck me. I try to fuck the bitches but the bitches won't fuck - me. Fuck me. I try to fuck the bitches but the bitches won't fuck - me. Fuck me. They duck me, sucks to be me."