Nov 04, 2008 22:51
No matter what, I still say that November 5th is as good a day as any to attempt to blow up your government. Pickled herring optional.
Cake, eating, all that. I said about six months ago that there was no way Obama was going to win, it has nothing to do with my preference (because I'm still wearing my "I Voted for Kodos" t-shirt), but with the fact that I didn't think Republicans could be forced to vote that way with their cold dead hands.
Of course, two weeks ago I was reading about how the Klan was planning on voting for him so that he could single handedly destroy the country and they could take over. (You think I'm kidding, but how can I make shit like that up?)
I wasn't registered to vote. I tried, missed the deadline thanks to the local paper printing their information strangely. And the thing is, given another alternative I wouldn't've voted for Obama. I liked John Edwards when he first popped up during the Kerry/Bush election, and I said at the time that I would've rather voted for him then.
Anyway, bygones, I'm just very surprised that the vote went the way it did, and I hope that people aren't disappointed. There are a lot of people who went into the Clinton administration very hopeful, and came out of it very discouraged. Obama doesn't have to make a social mistake, a political mistake is all it would take. If we're still at war in another year, if they're still griping about the economy, housing, unemployment... Basically, if he doesn't make good, we're up for whichever Republican runs in four years.
Unless somebody tries to kill him. Which I only mention because of the vast majority of disturbing things I've seen all over the Internet about lynching the guy. All it takes is one crackpot. Call me a wet blanket, but, well, I am. Cynical to the core, man.
Geeze, this entry's going to get me on some government list for search words alone.