Life's been meddling again (in a big way). Sorry to everyone for not commenting and whatnot this past week. We all know I'd rather be talking to you guys than doing whatever it is I do...But ANYWAYS:
Just got back from sock shopping. Yup, I had to get knee high white socks - for fencing. To wear with my knickers xD (srsly.)
I've also noticed lots of people are doing flist cuts. I can understand why, but, meh, getting cut still hurts no? Eh, I won't probably cut anyone at all. So what if I have a pitiful flist? My friends're all people I know and whose posts I want my fpagespammed filled with.
On another note, lots of people have been doing Xmas/Holiday card exchanges... (
deadxdreamer namely).
Been considering it... if anyone is interested in receiving a card from me (mais oui, handmade of ourse!) just let me know ;) We can do an exchange (though you'll have to help me out with the right stamps >.< )
Arsenal won. Three-nil. Against Spurs.
okay, that just made my shitty week ahead look this much brighter.
Note to the almighty football gods: o gods, please let arsenal beat porto on wednesday. i'll sacrifice my beef jerky to you? *puppy*
Damn, got paint on my lucky gunners shirt.