More pictures:) There yesterday pictures 'cause I can be real dumb sometimes and do things like forget my camera.
^Josh being.. well Josh
I love my Niki!!:)
Lunch with my favorite losers:) Thats Em and Em-o
Cersty and I bein weird taking pictures of eachother taking pictures.?
The Abus =)
The Pink Haired Zoe and Ryan
Bailey, I find this picture very cute
I don't think I've been this excited for Summer before,
it's weird cause I can't wait to let some things go, and to not have to put up with certain shit, cause with my friends there's no drama, no competition just fun days at the pool/beach/mall/movies. I can't wait to stay up to endless hours in the night and not have to worry about being tired the next morning. I WANT TO SLEEP IN. I want to go swimming, and walk to riverside, swing at the park, walk around town with the girls with really not destination at all. Order pizza and rate the pizza man right infront of his face without him really knowing, even though we do that all the time, it's still more fun in the summer. I wanna swim with my friends and lie on the driveway and listen to music talking about everything and nothing at all, I want to have bonfires and roast marshmellows and go camping and stair at the stars with my friends and run around like a retard and just have fun. I hate school, and theres just something about summer that makes everything okay for awhile. ANNNDDD there's MAINE, which is gonna rock like hell this year, Jordan will be there the sammee time as me and theres possibility we'll hook up which I CAN'T FRIGGEN WAIT! Camp should be fun, hopefully, and who knows what else might happen, ahh trips to long lake, errr I can't wait. Just finals left and its officially here. YES:-D NO MORE FAKENESS JUST FUN.