Jul 12, 2004 12:48
dude i hate it when i get in fights with people but dont say its over when it isnt...and dont go talking shit about me behind my back when the last ive heard is its over...if it isnt over then tell whats still wrong...i stopped talking to him for you and anyways u dont like him anymore but whatever i think ive known you way too long to just be like oh ali started talking to my crush now i hate her...oh yeah and lets make morgan hate ali and april too...wtf did april do..this is our problem not your sisters so dont make it hers...the way your acting i dont even feel like ever wanting to see you again but after 13 years of knowing you you should at least tell me whats wrong and confront me about it and stop talking shit...your the one who started the fight so why dont u end it? i didnt do anything to you except for the fact that your crush called me and i talked to him but besides that i didnt do anything...your the one doing shit and i dont call up all my friends and say hey you wanna talk shit about katie behind her back...im not gunna do that if u wanna talk shit about me then tell it to my face not to your friends and other people who i dont even know...dude stop acting like your 2 years old...especially your sister shes turning 18 soon..nd she acts like a little kid you both need to grow up and get over yourselfs...im the youngest out of all of us and im acting way more mature about this whole thing...cuz if i have a problem with u guys im gunna tell it to u and i wont jsut sit there and ignore you but then make me and all my friends lifes revole around the fact that your mad at us....a really dont wanna lose a friendship that ive had for 13 years but your pushing me to the point where i dont know if its worth it...you guys act like your the obnly ones who have feelings and this is the first time we'veever fought, maybe im the only one who learned to forgive and forget, i dont want to throw away our friendship, but it seems likeu 2 do.. so hey if thats what u want calll me, and tell me never to tlak to you guys again but im not doing anymore of this online shit because im better than that.