Call for Proposals -- NOLOSE '10!

Feb 17, 2010 11:45

NOLOSE '10 June 4-6, 2010 Econolodge Oakland, CA

Fat Panic!

Call for Workshops, Hands-on Activities, You Name It

This year, we are actively seeking workshop proposals along a theme: Fat Panic!
We want to address the disturbing trend towards villainizing and fear mongering aimed at and about our fat bodies from the media, the medical field, academia and other areas of social change like some parts of the environmentalist and food justice movements.

We look forward to talking, yelling, planning and scheming about Fear of Fatness and global obesity facts and fictions! We are interested in approaching the topic from a number of different perspectives including, but not limited to the Health At Every Size (HAES) philosophy, academia, media justice, international/global perspectives, art/culture, food justice and more.

The workshop possibilities are endless under this umbrella and around these topics, so put your thinking caps on! We would like to have at least one workshop per timeslot that falls into the Fat Panic! track. Of course, there is still plenty of room for workshops that don't necessarily tie into the theme too, so don't be shy. Bring it on!

This year, the conference will actually encompass 3 full days of workshops, entertainment and activities. We will have workshops beginning sometime on Friday, June 4, all day Saturday and part of Sunday. This gives us the opportunity to have more workshops and activities, and we have received feedback that workshops should have longer timeslots, so this is something we are considering as well.

Some ideas about what we are looking for:

Hands-on, How-To Workshops - What are your special skills? Teach us! Examples might be:
• "Where All The Bargains At: Stretching Your Fat Dollar"
• "Dismantle the Patriarchy in 10 Easy Steps"
• "How to Alter Clothes to Fit Your Body"

Presentations and performances - You name it! Like:
• Writers reading their work
• Musical/instrumental play time
• Improv performance

Activities - Such as:
• Synchronized Swimming
• Scooter Races
• Crafts
• Movement and Dance
• Speed Dating

Or or or...
Really! What do you want to do at NOLOSE? Who do you want to talk to? What burning issue would you like to discuss? What is your special skill? What experience or knowledge would you like to share? What would you like to see happen at this year's amazing space?

Deadline for proposals is March 31, 2010.

All conference attendees (fat dykes, lesbians, bisexual women, trans folks, and our female & trans allies) are welcome to send proposals.

Please keep in mind that we have a diverse crowd, so assume a broad range of sizes, physical abilities, ethnicities, nationalities and genders among your participants. We ask that people leading physical activity classes prepare alternate exercises for people using scooters, chairs and wheelchairs. Please indicate your plan to do this in your proposal.
To send us your idea, please complete the simple form at the NOLOSE website. Any questions? Just ask
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