Jul 09, 2004 07:52
Slept over at Ann's on Tuesday. Gordon came over for a little bit. It was nice seeing him again.. I loved it when we were all best friends.. I really hope we don't drift in high school. Anyways he left and we spent hours on the computer talking to kids. Then we watched When Harry Met Sally. Cute. I think it would be cool to watch that movie with a guy. See if what they said was all true. Then Ann and I stayed up until 4 which is late for Ann at sleepovers. Then in the morning we watched Breakfast Club. I was then picked up around 3 or so.
Yesterday I did absolutely nothing. I think my excessive time on the internet is upsetting me. I don't like being jealous over the girls who grab this boys attention. I need to get out of the house and do something.Well then at 8 I watched A Little Princess. Last time I watched that movie I was seven or something. Boy, it was good. I got tears in my eyes when the father left the little girl. I'm a dork.
Today shouldn't be too exciting.. but I will pretend to be optimistic.
I don't really like mangos.