For All

Oct 26, 2019 10:01

Dedicated to Presidents, officials, businessmen, ordinary people and everyone else!What is said in this blog is not written for entertainment or financial enrichment of the author. This information is vital for everyone and everyone living now, and those who will live in the future. The life of both the author and any other person depends on the perception or on the rejection of this information, regardless of rank and status.
It is recommended for reading and taking into account, as well as the widespread distribution among all social strata of society in order to prevent an impending catastrophe, provoked exclusively by incompetence and the fallacy of determining priority tasks in human society.
And so dear reader, this will not be about someone or something foreign and distant for you, but about what is happening here, now with you!
If we are puzzled by the search for information from the meteorological observations of the 20th and early 21st centuries, we will find one feature that is an obvious example of climate destabilization. In particular, we are talking about "nonexistent global warming." But looking at the weather meteorological records say in Moscow, you can see that the temperature in July 2017 reached a maximum of + 32ºС, a minimum of + 12ºС, and in July, say 1950, these values ​​were + 26.2ºС at the maximum and + 7.5ºС at a minimum (data taken from open sources on the Internet, which you can easily find yourself). To changes in temperature indicators add frequent hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters, which are often a DEATH HAZARD TO PEOPLE. Do you know why this happens? All this is a consequence of the fact that carbon dioxide, which in the amount of thousands of unmeasured by anyone (!) tons are emitted into the atmosphere by our cars and industry, it has a slightly lower thermal conductivity (1.79 times) than air. The resulting accumulations of air masses with a high content of CO2 differ in their properties from the masses of ordinary clean air, which leads to destabilization of climatic conditions throughout the planet. And the fault of all this outrage is the world corporations making their money on the sale of hydrocarbons and then spending it in the person of top managers and the rest of corporate plankton on football teams, yachts, and other empty bullshit, instead of bothering with the search and development of renewable energy sources. These gentlemen are not given to understand that the planet’s biosystem can one day be brought to a collapse (moreover, this day can happen much earlier than many hope) and then neither football clubs, nor expensive cars and yachts, nor billions of green papers stored in the accounts of Swiss banks, nor heavy-duty bunkers full of everything necessary for decades will not help anyone, because if this happens, the planet will cease to be comfortable for human habitation for hundreds of years! And not only corporations will be to blame for this. Each of us will be to blame for this! Because instead of trying to comprehend what is happening, most of us are concerned about how to buy a larger TV, a brand new laptop, a smartphone of the latest model and whatever else, it doesn’t matter if you just get another new toy and show everyone - " look, I’m not “basting too.” "But in fact, the result of our aspirations and achievements is always the same - huge rotten garbage and violent, senseless death, the death of everyone, and everything around us, death, organized by ourselves. wild animals shot down by our cars without any purpose and meaning, people killed in car accidents, sometimes young, healthy and full of energy, death from obesity that happened due to laziness to make translational movements “with your own two” instead of rolling your person’s body fat car. Death to the stupid military conflicts that were never resolved and will not solve the problem. Any such death, organized by ourselves. These are wild animals shot down by our cars without any purpose and meaning, people killed in car accidents, sometimes young, healthy and full of energy, death from obesity that happened due to laziness to perform translational movements “with your two” instead of rolling a person in a car with his fatty deposits. Death in stupid military conflicts that have never solved and will not solve problems. Any such death, organized by ourselves. These are wild animals shot down by our cars without any purpose and meaning, people killed in car accidents, sometimes young, healthy and full of energy, death from obesity that happened due to laziness to perform translational movements “with your two” instead of rolling a person in a car with his fatty deposits. Death in stupid military conflicts that have never solved and will not solve problems. Any such who never solved and will never solve problems. Any such who never solved and will never solve problems. Any suchconflict does not solve the problem, but CREATES THEM! We lost the meaning of our existence and replaced it with some foul-smelling chimera. And it’s okay if this chimera concerned only us adults who came up with it instead of common sense. This chimera will bear the main burden on the shoulders of those who today carefreely play with their friends in their yet harmless and careless games, not suspecting what kind of “gift” they had prepared for their mothers, fathers, uncles and aunts. I am talking about our children. Stop people! It’s time for us to rethink our goals and views on this world! Very TIME !!!
I think no one will object if I declare that the main task of our civilization is SAFETY AND COMFORTABILITY OF LIFE, states are created precisely for safety and comfort, EVERY person lives for the safety and comfort of their life and the lives of their loved ones. But! Nowadays, it becomes obvious that a lot is going wrong. On the planet it is becoming more dangerous and not more comfortable to live, work, raise children. And this applies to all, without exception, regardless of class, religion, amount of money. (billionaires shoot, beggars die of hunger, rulers overthrow, states break up, ordinary inhabitants are forced to live in a constant state of stress).
Everyone in the school studied the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy does not disappear anywhere and does not come from anywhere, energy passes from one state to another. Therefore, all our troubles and suffering from the fact that we are doing our best to contradict this law.
We are trying all the earthly resources that we can get, pull out of the planet and put “for our own good”, as we think. We do the same inside human society - some people try to get all the benefits of life at the expense of other people, less organized, less educated, or just honest, respectable citizens who do not want to get rich at the expense of others. And for some period of time, “good” in this way is really possible to get. And since time in the universe is a relative concept (what seems to us millennia is only days, months, hours, and even seconds for the universe), then we (people) mistakenly begin to think that we should do this. That "pulling a blanket over yourself" is the only way to survive in this world. It would seem that here it is - a recipe for success!
But, I want to ask you (readers): “Where did all the“ great ”civilizations of the past go? After all, if they were so“ powerful and great, ”they would flourish and develop. So why did they“ lose ”as a result, disappear leaving trace only in historical tablets? " The answer is simple! All of them were too keen on their “game" forgetting about the law of equilibrium. The Universe strives for balance to reign in it, and if any force or phenomenon begins to prevail over others, it (this force) thereby accumulates the potential of its own destruction. Such a force, drawing energy from the outside world, contributes to the creation of a certain vacuum, which subsequently tears this force to shreds, nullifying the results of such irrepressible zeal, to absorb everything around.
It is for this reason that all civilizations of past eras perished. It is for this reason that the modern world of people is on the verge of destroying itself, and provided that the current trend of "conquering the planet" continues, people will begin to kill each other in order to get their own food, and this will not be isolated cases, but a mass phenomenon. But despite such terrible forecasts, I think we have a chance to fix everything.
To do this, immediately stop racial, class, national, and any other discrimination. Everyone should receive education at any level absolutely free! I emphasize! Everyone!!! Any relationship in society should only be mutually beneficial for all parties that participate in these relations. Because when an official goes to the service only in order to ensure a “comfortable, secure life” for himself and his relatives, and the rest “wait”, he himself, without suspecting it, begins to plant a “time bomb”. Sooner or later, the “vacuum” in the pockets of citizens will increase to a state where the law of equilibrium requires its own! Hence the revolutions and riots. A living example is the long-suffering Russia. As a result of the revolution, Russia today is ten years behind the civilized world in development.
Another living example is the rest of the civilized world. Having elevated the goal of sole leadership and enrichment to the Absolute, the world system is faced with a “soap bubble problem” in which nature is poisoned, and the mechanism of economic genocide is used to solve the problems of society, which is fundamentally wrong and monstrous in its cruelty. The so-called “gray cardinals” of world politics, imagining themselves omnipotent and all-knowing, are now struggling to reduce the world's population by hook or by crook with the help of economic, political and generally any kind of measures, just to get out of the water and again to rule, as before. Only they have no time left. They will not have time to do their gray deeds on time now. A way to settle everything quickly is a nuclear war, but then there will be no winners at all. So they rush with their swine flu, economic crises and ethnic conflicts. Only all this will not help anymore since the sense of self-preservation will ALWAYS overcome any genocide and people will only become more resistant to attempts to crush them with genocide. The only way out is to provide knowledge and an adequate understanding of the laws of nature of every person on earth. EVERYONE !!!! And then officials will understand that it is necessary to work for the benefit of the population, and not for “their own pocket”. The inhabitants will understand that they live on this planet not due to the fact that they have a high salary, but due to the fact that the green leaves of plants and the entire world around them created the conditions necessary for them to live. The “gray cardinals” will finally understand that they are only gray idiots leading humanity to nowhere, and abandon their vile tricks. Everyone will then understand that the planet is able to protect us, warm, feed, please with its diversity of the living world and landscapes, provided that we observe the law of equilibrium. It’s time for us to understand that religions, nations, worldviews, the borders of states are conventions introduced into our heads by ingenious “teachers” who want to divide and rule, for it is easier to manipulate a smaller and more fragmented one than one in their thoughts and aspirations. Try to understand that our planet exists due to mutually beneficial relationships, and not due to the superiority of anyone over others. Try to use cars as little as possible, plant as many trees as possible, hunt and kill only if absolutely necessary for survival, and not for fun. provided that we observe the law of equilibrium. It’s time for us to understand that religions, nations, worldviews, the borders of states are conventions introduced into our heads by ingenious “teachers” who want to divide and rule, for it is easier to manipulate a smaller and more fragmented one than one in their thoughts and aspirations. Try to understand that our planet exists due to mutually beneficial relationships, and not due to the superiority of anyone over others. Try to use cars as little as possible, plant as many trees as possible, hunt and kill only if absolutely necessary for survival, and not for fun. provided that we observe the law of equilibrium. It’s time for us to understand that religions, nations, worldviews, the borders of states are conventions introduced into our heads by ingenious “teachers” who want to divide and rule, for it is easier to manipulate a smaller and more fragmented one than one in their thoughts and aspirations. Try to understand that our planet exists due to mutually beneficial relationships, and not due to the superiority of anyone over others. Try to use cars as little as possible, plant as many trees as possible, hunt and kill only if absolutely necessary for survival, and not for fun. for it is easier to manipulate the smaller and the scattered than the one in their thoughts and aspirations. Try to understand that our planet exists due to mutually beneficial relationships, and not due to the superiority of anyone over others. Try to use cars as little as possible, plant as many trees as possible, hunt and kill only if absolutely necessary for survival, and not for fun. for it is easier to manipulate the smaller and the scattered than the one in their thoughts and aspirations. Try to understand that our planet exists due to mutually beneficial relationships, and not due to the superiority of anyone over others. Try to use cars as little as possible, plant as many trees as possible, hunt and kill only if absolutely necessary for survival, and not for fun.
All who inhabit our planet are not our smaller brothers, but the peoples are free, providing us with the conditions for existence. Respect them for this, and do not be indulgent. They deserve it !!!
Everyone has the right to observe and preserve their national characteristics and traditions, but also remember that the planet and all its inhabitants are the ONE SYSTEM inextricably linked to the rest of the UNIVERSE AND NO ONE IS SIGNIFICANT FOR SEPARATION, AND ONLY JOINTLY IS A DEBT OF EACH OF US!
  Memo to Man
The Universe is built on the interconnections of substances and entities, and if we do not sometimes see interconnections, this does not mean at all that they are not. Our knowledge is very weak, one-sided and meager at the moment, in order to track ALL the relationships. In other words, everything that surrounds us (living and nonliving) is not objects for profit, but full-fledged parts of the universe that have a right to exist and deserve to be studied and understood.
What people call “God” is a system of laws, rules and forces of the universe. This "god" is still praying to him or not, believe in something or do not believe. This system does not dominate anyone or is subordinate to anyone, everything that surrounds us, and everything that we are composed of, from the cell of the body to our consciousness, is a system (“God”). And all that is necessary and sufficient for "God" is that his "particles" (we) seek to learn the laws of the system. The universe always strives for dynamic equilibrium (counter forces are always compensated by the forces of action and vice versa). The main task of life in the universe is quality development. Qualitative development is such if previous generations do EVERYTHING so that future generations do not make the mistakes of their predecessors. All that strives for infinite quantitative growth instead of qualitative -- ALWAYS comes to self-destruction, serving as the beginning of a new round of development. A new round of development does not always mean that it will be of high quality, but if a person remembers this memo and transfers this knowledge to his descendants, sooner or later a qualitative round of development will come. A high-quality round allows the system to be in a state of equilibrium, giving us time to cognize the universe and create the conditions for our further development.
PS I understand in advance that very few will read this article to the end, they will understand it, even less since 85% of the world's population is brainwashed with new iPhones and other not very important topics. But I know for sure, if you ignore the topics covered in this entry, then the time will come when the people described here possible negative consequences will begin to feel physically directly on their own person! Therefore, I still hope that this article will affect your hearts and minds. I hope that everyone who reads this will recommend reading to anyone else, I hope for the attention of businessmen and politicians to this problem. If someone has any wishes, comments, objections, suggestions on the topic identified in the article, I can be contacted via e-mail oleg.nn@live.
If you do not agree with the arguments and conclusions, feel free to criticize and object, this is very welcome, but only thoroughly and reasonably. Press the buttons of social networks, make reposts and tokens are also welcome;)!
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