Apr 01, 2009 23:06
My friend Jess and I went to this thing today. This woman just did her doula workshop and she lives down the street from Jess. She had a get together at her house for the few other doulas in the area and some women from her church who want to be doulas or midwives. It was very bizarre. For one, she has 3 sons, the youngest of which is 9 and her house was IMMACULATE. She has made these teeny tiny perfect little spinach tart things and little quiche's and scones. She had set out china plates and tea cups on her dining table. Then, it all got a little jesusy for me. This one woman kept using the word God or Lord in all her sentences. Like how the good Lord had to heal her to give her a son or how her daughter threw her rytalin in the toilet and said Jesus healed her. In the time we were there I heard these statements from various women.
"I'd be too afraid to have a homebirth"
"When I circumcised my son"
"What's tandem nursing?"
"What's a post partum doula"
"Why would you become a post partum doula"
These women almost all want to become midwives!? They're afraid of homebirth and don't know that women breastfeed 2 kids at the same time? And speak of circumcision as if it's a given? Wha?
Things also got eyebally and weird when I started nursing Sephie. Seriously? You want to be a doula or midwife and you're uncomfortable with seeing a toddler nurse? This one woman who was going on about how breastfeeding is so important to her was bottle feeding her baby who was under 1 year old. Now, it could be that she had BFing problems, but this was her 6th kid. Most women who breastfeed are not having problems on their 6th kid.
It was like they all thought, "Hey, we like babies, let's be doulas and start a doula club!", but none of them really have any idea of what doulas are or do and what women who are likely to hire a doula might want to do in their births and with their babies.
Then after Jess left when I was getting my stuff together, the woman who organised it said, "So what church do you go to in Waverly". Ummmm, huh? I thought we were talking about being doulas? This question was preceded by nothing. When I said I don't go to church it got a bit quiet and then she said, "so what's your background then?" Uhhh, not that it's ANY of your business, but I was raised by satanic wolves in a mystical forest and breastfed by pagan deer in the land of evolution on the planet of science. Thanks very much. What the fuck kind of question is that?
It's nice having a really catholic friend because I tell her about all the crazy religious people here and she can actually describe Christianity in a way that's almost sensible. I mean, I find it intrinsically illogical, but she proves that you can practice it in a sensible way. You don't need to be so fucking bat shit about it.
I better get my heathen ass to bed so I cand rive to Des Moines tomorrow.