Alucard's powers - For imperial_saga

Nov 14, 2011 00:47

As according to the rules of the AU for imperial_saga. Most of the powers are based from the manga/anime's canon and also from other resources of literature and films because the creator of the series have stated that Count Dracula and Alucard are the same being. I found myself that most of the time, I hardly use his powers at all during roleplay because I don't see a need and only use the higher levels powers if it's necassary for plot.

Art Restriction Control System
Integra controls the vampire with a no-longer remembered sealing technique because of her bloodline and position as Hellsing Organization’s Lord and Master. The seal is held by her blood and heartbeat, so as long as Integra lives, the Vampire is her weapon to do as she wills with. Besides making sure that Alucard complies with orders, the seals also hold back his power with what is known as ‘Control Art Restriction Techniques’ invented as the result of Alucard's enslavement and experiment under Abraham Hellsing's control. While he can release some of these restrictions himself, it is Integra that has to open the last lock, or Number Zero, through verbal permission to grant Alucard full access to his seemingly unlimited powers. In this AU, the seals are still in place that helps control his powers and to keep all the 3 millions souls and undead people devoured locked inside of him to prevent fiery ruination.

Therefore, for those reasons alone, he is knowned as the "Leashed No Life King" and "Hellsing's Dog", meaning for his extreme powerful abilities that is enough to topple a nation or two into fiery ruins that resemble Hell itself, he has has no choice but to obey Integra's orders and be under he control whether he likes it or not.

Combat style/Weapons
Joshua: Modified .454 Casull Auto. length of 39cm. based upon the colt 1911. A silver calibre handgun, made from melting Lancaster Cathedral's silver cross, used with blessed, exploding bullets.

Jackal: A black handgun with a length of 39cm. made from pure silver, weighing 16kg. 13mm bullets, with a gold casing, a reinforced core for armor penetration, and each bullet are baptized. Topped of with "Jesus Christ is in Heaven, Now" engraved on the side. 13 mm round, with a casing of blessed Macedonian silver. The powder charge is a formula called "Marvell's Chemical Cartridge N.N.A.9." The rounds are also explosive mercury tips.

I don't consider the weapons as artifiacts, considering his guns are man-made and the only magical things about the bullets is are the blessed bullets that are also man-made.

Those two handguns are the Alucard's main weapons for long-range attacks. In the main canon storyline, the Jackal was handed to Alucard by Walter, the Hellsing's estate head butler. In the AU, Alucard will have the Jackal with him from the get-go, just in case no Walter will show up. For short-range and mano-to-mano melee fights, Alucard also preferred hand-to-hand combat where he can use utilized his fists and brute strength.

When Alucard was human and young and he fought during the days of the Crusade wars that happened 500 years ago, he is extremely skilled with a sword. However, in the present when he was known as the Vampire King, he doesn't use his knowledge of swordmanship anymore and preferred to use his guns.

  • Immortality: He cannot die due to comsuming the holy men of the Janissary Infantry, but this extends to holy men and monks he consumed across during his life as Vlad during the Crusades era. Invulnerability, invincibility, longevity etc, etc he can take severe damage to his body. Thanks to Hellsing's experiments that deals in alchemy, he also has Advanced Regeneration and healing to his body in mere seconds

  • Superhuman: Senses, speed, strength, agility, etc

  • Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid matter at will without harming oneself. Also Called Phasing Capabi. Being both a demon/unholy spirit and also the undead, he can will himself to be solid matter (human) or become ethereal (spirit) matter.

    Mind/Dimension/Psychic abilites
  • Third-eye: All-seeing, all-knowing, and sensing other supernaturals and creatures of the night. This is the power to see the person's soul and it's origin, the person's aura, and spirits. Also gave him the power to remote-view and zone into his targets, and therefore, everytime he shoots and pull the trigger his guns, the bullets never misses with 100% accuracy.

  • Defiance/manipulation of gravity: He can climb up the walls or a building as seen in his fight against the Dandy man.

  • Shapeshifting: He can shape-shift into a mist, a wolf, a horse, or into his other selves.

  • Telekineses: Moving objects using the power of his mind. In the manga, Alucard is seen telekinetically moving a broken down air-craft carrier from the Gulf of Italy to the Dover of London all in a little less than 40 minutes, only traveling at a few knots.

  • Mind control, Hypnosis, Telepathy and Empathy: AKA Evil love beam/sex beam. Communicating mind to mind instead of the normal conversation vocally. He can also feel the other persons' emotions. This is can extend to impressing his emotions on the other person to manipulate that person to complete an objective, breaking through barriers of the mind to find the person's secrets hidden in the soul. He also used this power to seduce Lucy in the Dracula flim. In other words, using this ability, he can make people fall in love or in lust.

  • Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle or control the storms. In another source, \he can also summon a thunderstorm and control the winds.

  • Dreamwalking: He actually appeared in Seras dream once, when she is making the decision of becoming a Draculina. Alucard has the ability to appear and walk into a person's dreams and manipulate it to that he sees it. He can weave dreams and visions to impress upon the person's mind if the person is sleeping or under hypnosis. Also, a very handy way to get information if the mission requires that he must seduce somebody.

    Black magic
  • His black coffin: His coffin contain the dirt from his homeland. Earth is a magic element of itself, Earth and Graveyard dirt has a high magical property and a healing effect. The Earth of his homeland provides regenerative and grounding properties. Alucard must rest in his black coffin to heal and regenerate his powers every now and then.

  • Creation of fledgelings, vampires, and raising the dead (necromancy): He has the ability to create new vampires using his own power of his own choosing, and he also can destroy them and end their life. He also have the ability to control zombies and the ghouls, but that is only limited to the people he devoured.

  • Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking blood. This is really the human equivalent of a fasting.

  • Memory absorption (through victims' blood) ala the famous Blood Sucking: This includes the ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain.

  • Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm about him as an army numbering in 3 million in total. However, this can only be used when his released states of his control system is invoked. Which bring us to the following:

    Art Restriction Control System levels

    When Level 3, 2, 1 is released by him alone: These states would only be released if only if he finds his opponent worthy to fight against his tremendous power and if the opponent is a vampire or supernatural like himself. He would summon his familiar, Baskerville, a very large, viscious hound that sprouts from his body and aura of darkness that devours enemies in it's sight. Also, in this stage, he is allowed to have manipulation to will his shadows and darkness to materialized into physical form or any form he wishes. Those shadows are a part of his aura and his unholy spiritual energy. Everytime he summon his spiritual energy of unholy darkness and shadows, his mutiple red eyes would appear to hone into the souls of his enemy targets until they are rendered silent and can create hallucinations to cause panic and terror into the enemy's psyche and mind. The purpose of the red eyes is to petrify the enemy's soul and crush their fragile egos into their place.

    Warning!: However, be warned that when the restricted states are released, it usually means certain death for the character and Alucard will devour your character and draw power from the person's soul to use for himself. However, death means droppage of the character or sending the character to the afterlife. Be aware, this is not the case. If Alucard killed you and devoured you into his very being, you'll be under his to control as a soldier and you will return to life as one of the undead and as his familiar and thus your character will serve him under the Hellsing organization.

    Therefore, if you have no plan to have your character *permanently* serve Alucard as your master and return to the afterlife as one of the undead or as a vampire, don't do it! Unless you wanted to and choose this fate for your character.

    Otherwise, if you opt out for for personal freedom, then your other choice is to let Alucard kill your character straightforwardly and your character will be revived the normal game way.

    When Level 0 is released upon Integra's orders: Alucard will unleashed the 3 millions soul he devoured in his short lifetime of 550 years. The armies he devoured ranges from: The Kazans, The Janissary Infantry, and His entire kingdom of Wallachia and the principality's army (his own soldiers, vassals, subjects, the warhorses). These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life. Also, this would unleash his hellhound, Baskerville as well and the creature devours everything in it's path. This event probably would not be seen during the course of roleplay. Considering this will effect everyone and the entire town on the field and can mean potential risk for death, this state will be unleashed as the last final resort in an all-out war with the permission of everyone, including the mod's, involved.

    Resistance and weakness
  • High resistance to most vampire weaknesses: Alucard is resistant to sunlight and silver, but is not immune to them. This was shown when he got into the art museum and is about to square off with Anderson. Alucard remarked that going out into broad daylight makes him feel extremely tired, therefore going into the sun just drains him of his power. However, in another episode, he told Seras that a vampire will die and burst if exposed to sunlight, therefore, as it stands to reason, while Alucard is immune against sunlight, his fledings are not to an extent (but this is an assumption).

  • In this AU: silver, mercury, and other blessed objects can immoblize him and hinder his mobility. However, the side-effects are akin that to a human's allergy and a very bad rash that itch, but those things cannot kill him entirely.

  • Blessed Holy Christian artifacts (like Elena's Nail) can only render Alucard apart with excrusiting pain and pushed him to near death, but most likely will not happen in roleplay. In this AU, weaknesses also extends to: blessed holy water, vocally repeated bible verses, holy people, blessed magically fortified homes, and etc.

  • However, bathing, showering, or drinking water that is not baptised or magically fortified is fine.

    Does not apply to this AU
    Schrodinger's powers: Can spontaneously appear and disappear at will, but unable to be killed as long as he wills it. Because Schrodinger's is alive in the AU and he isn't devoured by Alucard yet, he cannot be everywhere and nowhere.
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