i am unluckiest girl in the world.

May 12, 2007 12:32

examples going in chronological order.

a. moving to shit hole boca
b. my father being a pathological liar and telling the police he had fallen asleep reading us a story after my mom calls the cops because he locked her vout of their room because another man called his house while they were getting divorced(it wAs on of her students)
c. my parents divorce forcing me to spend half the week at his shit whole two room duplex with my sister.
d. my older sister being a complete fuck up and causing him to control every aspect of my life.
e.the wednesdays- it was my dads day off and chore day; i would always be too lazy or slow and get smacked at least once.
f. getting head lice in greece and having all of my hair shaved off at the age of nine to the point where i was contantly asked what sex i was.
g. my step mother- i loved her first but she still picked out my clothes and told me when to take showers and brush my teeth and how i could and could not dress to shool in eighth grade.
h. she stopped talking to me when i was twelve because i told her i hated her.
i. my cutting.
j. my dad switching from severe alcoholic to chemo patient for hepatitus c
k. falling in love with a boy who would then dump me after exactly two months for his with whom he fucked at twelve and then all throughout the year he would randomly tell me he still loved me.
l. being fat.
m. having an extremely mean younger sister who stil hates me.
n. not being able to communicate with my dads brothers or my cousins because of their extreme hate for my father; with good reasom
o. my sister getting pregnant without us ever even hearing about the father prior to the pregnancy. by the time my neice was three this dousche bag had already had two more kids younger than my neice with some tramp.
p. coming back from europe two weeks before highschool and being told were moving three towns over.
q. oh and i forgot about the numerous times i was told i could live with my mother and then have my father change his mind and guilt trip/force me back to his house.
r. starting highschool in the deerfield ib program without knowing a soul and later becoing the ib reject.
s. mono forcing me to fail a whole semester.
t. becoming extremely close to a 23 yearold teacher to the point of family but having everyone else complain that i was passing because i was fucking him.
u. losing my virginity to an asshole and then becoming pregnant after only my first time.
v. jeep accident causing 5 girls to be hurt badly and to cause my miscarriage(kind of a good thing)
w. beig arrested twice due to stealing.
x. still having a horrible relationship with my father.
y. becoming known as the baseball slut
z. hitting a parked and freaking out and driving away only to have them later find me.
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