Nov 02, 2004 22:43
snoop's drop it like its hot<3
we're erging for the rest of the season save one day for bishops and tappens...yay. And no more 2x6ks(i hope) Just interval work. And then swimming starts. wheeeee.
My Barcelona project is going to LOOK sick, but my presentation is going to suck.
I really need to stop assuming things because it'll just come back and bite me in the end.
I really want to be watching Donnie Darko right now instead of this stupid election crap.
Gretchen Ross=best name ever
apparently, my subconcious in in overdrive.
The thought of serial killers scare me. Who can be so fucked up to just go around and kill people. But to think that they know what they want their victims to look like, act like, go to school, be like...its scary.
school tomorrow, shoot me now
I really dislike Teresa Heinz-Kerry, she pisses me off. But bush is worse.
Its like 3 weeks until exams...
Identity is a mad freaky movie
ok NEVER assuming anything again...
kids are starting earlier and earlier now
lalala i have nothing else to say. goodbye