(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 21:19

1) I'm extremely gulliable...tell me gulliable's written on the ceiling and i'll look
2) I'm afraid of heights, spiders, ants, dots, and bees
3) I can't stand it when people touch my neck
4) I'm extremely clumsy
5) I procrastinate like no other
6) It's easy for me to pretend that i like someone
7) I pretend that i like a lot of people
8) Actually, people in general annoy me
9) But i hate being alone, so i surround myself with people
10) I love being at Choate
11) I like Choate people more than Berlin people
12) I have a hard time at showing my emotions
13) I want a tattoo on the side of my ribcage area
14) I want to learn how to speak Irish Gaelic...i don't know why
15) When my feet are cold, im cold, when my feet are hot, im hot
16) I like picking at my blister/callouses
17) I'm basically a masochist
18) I hate when peole can't pick up subtle hints
19) I also give lots of subtle hints
20) I'm a lot closer to guys than girls
21) And I relate to guys better
22) 22 is my favorite number
23) I'm really not close at all with my mom
24) On good days, we have a conversation with more than 100 words each....most days she just lectures me
25) I need to punctuate more.
26) My dad and I are really close, i tell him almost everything
27) I haven't not had a boyfriend for over a year save like a week close to a year ago
28) I love big dogs...especially rotweilers and german shepards
29) I love the month of october
30) I think my favorite words are behooved and november
31) I love roses
32) No one close to me, save my dog, has died yet *knocks on wood*
33) I sleep on my stomach, and can't sleep on my back
34) I'm not friends with any of my exes...and i don't care
35) I love cuddling and sleeping next to someone
36) I love spontaneity
37) I believe im mildly dyslexic...I can't read outloud because words get mixed up, and i can't pronounce certain words because i spell them differently in my mind...such as specific (spefific in my mind) pernament (permament in my mind) and precipitate (prepipipate in my mind)
38) I would love to be a psychiatrist, but im set on being a doctor
39) I'd give anything to go to Stanford
40) I hate all the Ivy League schools
41) I hate it when i know someone is closer to someone else and theyre supposed to be closer to me
42) I love Boston
43) I like erging more than actualy being out on the water
44) I wish i could sing
45) I love hugs...people at choate don't give hugs...it sucks
46) Ok this will make me sound stupid, but i miss being apart of BHS's marching band and playing songs during the game
47) I pretend to know more than i do
48) I like touching guy's hair...i don't know why
49) I can't stand people that think they're preppy because they wear abercrombie or american eagle
50) I love surprises more than anything else.
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