New icon tutorial.
How to go from
find your image, crop down to your liking (don't center the image on
the face, please... the more imaginative cropping, the better)
duplicate layer.
go to Filter->Sharpen->Sharpen
Repeat it or not, depends on how sharp was your starting image.
Now, Go to Image->Adjustements->Desaturate (or simply click Ctrl+Shift+U)
Set the layer to Screen.
It's nice, but not contrasted enough, don't you think?
I go to Image->Adjustements->Brightness/Contrast and play with the settings.
(setting it on -10, +20)
I want it to be more saturated, so I go to Image->Adjustements->Hue/Saturation, and again, play.
I lower down Saturation to -40
A I choose Burn tool (soft round Brush on 30, Midtones, 40%) and darken her hair.
Now, Blur tool, 13, Normal, 50% and I soften her skin, small circles of brush.
Again with the Burn tool (I love this tool *L*) I choose small soft
brush (10, Midtones, 40%) and darken her eyes, lashes and eyebrows and
slightly, lips.
Then I switch to Dodge tool and highlight her hair, eyes and lips.
Now my base is ready, time for fun.
I create a new layer and fill it with black.
Then I lower the opacity of the layer so I can see my base and I choose the place I want visible with Rectangular Marquee Tool.
I delete this part of black layer and return to normal opacity.
Now I choose this
brush by
Now I choose a small part of my base image using Rectangular Marquee Tool again, copy it, and paste on top of the layers.
I delete some of the small picture so it has grungy edges
Now, I play with brushes (mostly by
_joni and
candycrack, small text by
terra_kata, other credit in my userinfo)
And to finish, this
gradient by
crumblingwalls set to Soft Light, 40% Opacity.
Other icons done in similar way:
play with brushes and gradients, have fun! *g*
Icons free to a good home.
Thank you for reading, feedback is apreciated.