um so Im so excited for tonight. Im going to the Rock and Roll Soldiers with a ton of people! Its gonna be like me, Josh, Marie, Elizabeth, Neil, prob Ryan, um lets see who else.....well I know Teren is going......um and I think Noah is too. Oh and maybe Cooper. Its gonna be tons of fun. Oh you know what has been making me laugh?! My ex Kyle is now telling a ton of Sheldon people that I gave him head. AS IF! No way in damn hell did I give him head! God I dont even wanna think about it. Thats so lame though! So today my hair is really curly. Its super hottness! Im so mad Josh doesnt have school and I have to go. But I did get the car today. oh and I also brought my Jimi Hendrix cd! we are going to listen to it in Spanish class. Franzi is so damn cool. She lets us play music in her cd player during class. and sometimes this kid brings his guitar and he plays while shes talking. She tells him to! I think its cool! But its like Ice cold out and when I was out there my hair was still wet..so i was even more cold. Twas a party.
anyhoo next Friday me marie and our moms are going to go shopping up i Portland. Its going to be the best. Dewey's birthday is on Monday and I need to get her something. YAY Ohhh, I got an A on my last chem class. Thats like the best I have done on all the tests. i was so happy!
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