Feb 09, 2004 15:47
Wow, its been 3 days or something like that. Anyway I had an eventful weekend to say the least. Friday we wont get into but it was quite fun at times. Minus the fact of staying up all night. Ah well, cant be choosy on my fun. Before leaving, went over to Meg's and that was interesting. We watched dating shows and whatever else was on, so that turned out to be alright. Saturday night was another story altogether. Meeting the entirety of Meghan's family. It wasnt actually that bad. It was a nailbiter beforehand but its all fine and good now. I survived. So, after Meghan's, Katie S, Meg, and I came back here and watched How to Deal. That movie was better the first time but it was still, alright. We had really good ice cream too, chocolate with little pieces of brownie in it. It was freakin amazing. Mmm anyway. T minus 5 days till Valentines day! Stayed home today, doctors appointments and all. Oh well, had a good day at home doing next to nothing. Theres an update to end all weekend updates.