video ♦ 015

Sep 16, 2011 22:16

[there's silence for a moment before Isabelle's pleasant voice comes over the network - it starts off as voice-only.]

So. Apparently I've been asleep for a while. Kind of weird, considering that's usually my brothers' domain. Maybe next time I pass out, I should make sure Magnus is asleep too.

[finally, the video clicks on, revealing Isabelle sitting at a vanity desk, brushing her hair in a mirror - the Dreamberry is propped up beside aforementioned mirror, along with a single flower in a small vase. Most distinctive about her since she's woken up? The hot pink streaks now in her hair. If you look closely, you'll notice the small twitch of annoyance at the corner of her mouth.]

So did I miss anything big? Besides me apparently giving someone entertainment for about twenty minutes?

!video, !voice, !ic, magnus

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