Weyrmeet Log, fall 2008! In which plans and plots are discussed.

Sep 24, 2008 19:19


[RL Time] Wed Sep 24 20:30:36 2008 (Eastern US)

Agenda: Provided for ease in locating ideas!
0.5 Welcome folks. Mention website and forum!
1. Introduce C'len and Nolee as new leadership. Introduce admin team. (Nolee)
2. Area descs are still being sought for our beholden! Contributions are welcome! Contact Fayre and X'lar
3. Upcoming clutch short summary - currently Nala's npc clutch is on the sands and will hatch, fortunately, just before Lieryth takes to the sands. This PC cycle will feature Fayre as clutchmom. The calendar's available, info on game is setup in +lhelp! A search info page will be up soon but it's never too early to advertise! (C'len)
4. Submit egg theme ideas to the forum! (Fayre)
5. Want to be a CC? See bb to apply! (X'lar)
6. Want to be on Sco? See bb to apply (C'len)
7. Want to be a SearchRider? Info coming soon. (C'len)
7.5 Next cycle - probably around Summer 09 though not finalized yet (Nolee)
Insta policy - accepting Insta apps age 30 and above; we may have possible insta-weyrlings this round after the hatching (Nolee)
8. Plot and event summary - (Vegas Ista! Also some NPC adoptables and wanted characters) - (Nolee)
9. Soliciting and brainstorming of event ideas and plot ideas, see the forum for suggestion-making. - C'len & Nolee
10 Q's? Ideas? Thanks for coming and/or reading!


Nolee wavies about and tosses beanbag chairs. They're the best!
C'len waves, howdy all :)
T'mic eats the beanbag chairs. Mmm, tasty.
C'len waves, howdy all :)
T'mic eats the beanbag chairs. Mmm, tasty.
Gaelyn settles in a beanbag chair with a bite missing.
Niala offers cookies and brownies.
Aidra oohs. Cookies.
X'lar waves around, too. :)
Fayre eyes T'mic. I was going to sit on one of those! :P

Nolee welcomes folks and gets us going, yeehaw. :) Firstly, we're here and you're here, hurrah, all doin' our thing on NC! We bring cookies (and eat Niala's, mmm!) and are excited to see any and all familiar and new faces, and thank folks for coming or log-reading goodness.

T'mic oopsies. Provides ottomans instead.

Nolee says, "We're delighted to have brought over with us www.istaweyr.net, our website, which is filled with an amazing collection of info from Ista's hatching records back generations and generations, to our search info, to rp tips and suggestions, to resident potential positions, to notes about the climate and much much more. If you haven't had the chance to just check it out or to explore, please do! There's excellent information and fun ideas just waiting behind your next click, and ya never know what might inspire or spark something for your character. ^.^"

P'draig has arrived.

Nolee says, "Welcome, Paddy! Pull up an...ottoman! We're excited to be here and to be building and growing Ista, but of course we're always interested in how we can make things better. Because we want to hear from you, we've also got the forum, www.istaweyr.net/forum, so if you haven't registered there yet, do! It's quick and easy and will allow folks to participate in a number of ideas that will be mentioned at our meeting tonight. :)"

T'mic's all about the forum. Forii?
P'draig says, "Fora"
Nolee laughs, excellent! Really?
T'mic nods. Not -now-, of course, but I like 'em. Like them more when I remember they're there. :p
Nolee hees. And wonders, like really, that's the plural? :)
Nolee learns new things, exciting.
C'len says, "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forum :)"
T'mic says, "You can go back to bed, Nolee: you learned something new!"

Nolee says, "My day is complete! And huzzah for learning and for new things. Woo! Aaand speaking of new things - as many have noticed, Ista has done the changey dance a little bit. I'd like to take a moment to again thank Griere for her years of leadership and for her constant mentorship and support. Both she and A'son put into play many fabulous ideas for Ista, and we'll be seeing many through as we embark on our continued journeys."

T'mic applauds the absent Griere, and A'son, too.
Niala says, "Yay Griere and A'son!"
Aidra yays as well!
Fayre hoorays!
X'lar adds his woos. :)

Nolee thinks we should, um, drink in their honor, yeah! Free rounds! *woo --- ah, ahem* ;) With Griere's IC focus on her family, that led to Nolee stepping up as Ista's Weyrwoman. (I promise I'm usually smarter than Nolee, really!) Also, I am exceedingly fortunate to work with the nicest and most enthused and approachable group of people, so I'd like to introduce them!

T'mic cues the spotlight and red curtain.

Nolee says, "Griere will still be staying on as advisor and as code and website resource.
X'lar is our general friendly and enthusiastic go-to guy, who excels at research and creative concepts
Fayre is our junior weyrwoman, our resident betting and drink maven (among others!), and is another creative and approachable soul.
Our new Weyrleader, C'len, returns to Ista (his Vildaeth sired Nalaieth's first clutch back in 2006) and helps tend code and the website as well as managing wing business and mourning the climate change on Vildaeth's behalf.

Overall, though, most things, we do as a team, with shared input and decision-making. All of us accept resident applications, welcome new folks, answer questions, and are available to chat, to brainstorm, to soundboard ideas with - so we welcome you to contact us if anything comes to mind."

P'draig hugs the team
Gaelyn cheers!
C'len says, "Group hug!"
T'mic eyes. 'Soundboard ideas with'? Somewhere English teachers are crying out in shock and horror. ;D
T'mic's all for group hugs!!
Fayre group hugs Ista!
X'lar woos! Group Hug! :)
Nolee cries. I got excited, and reworded, and took a ride on the grammar failboat. ;.; After a moment of shame, I'll have to pick myself up and move on.
T'mic leads the moment of silence. Then offers more ottomans.
Aidra snickers. Grammar failboat.

Nolee used that intentionally because we don't mean soundboard against - we're not the wall that bounces or flings things back, we hope. Instead, we're a resource, and hope to facilitate the kind of rp and fun and opportunities you'd like to see around Ista. So while it was agonizing for the English teacher brains, it kinda, well, captured what I meant. :)

T'mic pat pats and forgives. If he had a nickel for every time he screwed up... ;)

Nolee says, "One way folks can help shape Ista is in our area descs. Fayre and X'lar will explain how!"

T'mic says, "...I'm just going to shush now, and enjoy the taste of this lovely, lovely shoe. Mmm, shoe."

Fayre says, "As Nolee just mentioned...X'lar and I are still on the prowl for people interested in describing and creating news files for Ista's beholden areas. :D This is a great opportunity to contribute to the area and game, as your descs will be used on the grid itself. There's more information at +bbread 6/10 and we'll +mail you more info if you're interested! We're trying to have everything written up by October 1st, so sooner is better!"

X'lar grins. "As Fayre has said, there are still areas available for you to desc for Ista's beholden areas. As of now Ista Hold, Rocky Hold and Hold Gar are all still available for you to claim (just +mail Fayre and X'lar for more information, per Fayre's aforementioned +bbpost). Both Rocky Hold and Hold Gar are one room descs, uses as a general description for Ista's TP (multi-desc) Room! Ista Hold, on the other hand, will comprise of three rooms (Sky Room above the Hold, Landing Area/Courtyard and Main Hall). However, if you wish to claim Ista Hold and wish to describe an additional room (eg. Glass Crafter Hall - Work Room), by all means have fun with it. This is a great way to be a part of the Weyr by volunteering to do descs that will forever be a part of this Weyr and NorConMUSH itself!"

Niala had lots of fun descing rooms!
Balinne has arrived.
X'lar says, "We also wanted to thank those people who have already claimed and begun descing the other rooms. :)"
Nolee cheers for descings and cues dramatic Istan patriotic music for forever being a part of NC.. Nuh nuhnuhnuhhhh nuhhh nuhhhh etc. :)
Nolee asides to T'mic, and shares some of that shoe. Mmm, good leather! Plus, if we can convince someone to give us nickels, think what we could do!
X'lar plays a teenager PC. Drama's in my blood. ;)
P'draig would love to help out though I'm not sure about Oct 1

T'mic says, "Whee, we get out own theme music!!"
Niala says, "I've got to leave in about 20 minutes here. Gotta go to sectionals."
Nolee nodnods and thanks Niala for coming for as long as you've got. :) There'll be a log after, too. :)
Fayre says, "The October 1st deadline is semi-flexible; we want to have the main rooms done, but extra rooms/minor holds are more flexible. :)"
P'draig nods. "Work commitments etc. eating up my braaain"

Fayre says, "And now we'll hand it over to C'len to talk about our upcoming cycle! :D"

Nolee yays and thanks Niala for those you've already sent. :)
Fayre snugs Niala. Yes, many thanks!
C'len says, "Thanks Fayre!"

C'len says, "Currently, there's an NPC clutch from Nalaieth and Vildaeth on the sands if you're interested in RPing around that. Our search cycle will feature a clutch from Fayre's Lieryth. Search is a lot of fun and provides the opportunity to meet new people, develop characters, and get in lots of fun roleplay. We invite everyone that's interested to learn more about Ista by checking out our +lhelp files (accessible from any Ista Weyr room) and the extensive information available at our website (http://www.istaweyr.net)."

T'mic waves his 'I'm an AWLM for the NPC clutch!' flag.

C'len says, "For this cycle, our search calendar target dates are:
Monday, September 29 - Lieryth's Flight; OOC Search Opens
Thursday, October 16 - Clutching Event; IC Search Opens
Tuesday, October 21 - OOC search closes, apps due by 11:50PM ET
Nov 14 - Nov 23 - Hatching Window
Late November - Early January - Weyrlinghood"

Balinne fears for the NPC weyrlings. Poor things.
C'len makes that 11:59PM. 9 more important minutes!

C'len says, "On that day that OOC search opens, we'll post more information to the bboard with instructions on how to apply. In the meantime, you can read '+lhelp search' and the info on the web page. Also, if you know any fun players who might be interested in playing at Ista, feel free to invite them over!"

Fayre says, "Speaking of search...Lieryth's flight will mean eggs and hatchlings, and both of those need themes! There is a thread up on our forums (link: http://www.istaweyr.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=41) where you can post all your great suggestions! If you wish to suggest an idea but want to remain anonymous, feel free to +mail me with your ideas and I can post them for you. You can read +bbread 6/16 for more information! If you have not registered for the forums yet, please do so using your character's name if you wish to post in the thread. Thanks!"

Balinne suggests, "Snack foods. Maybe cause I'm hungry."
C'len mmm, cheezit egg.
Fayre grins! Feel free to post that up there, Bali!
X'lar says, "I have no idea what X'lar would think of an egg that looked like a meatroll."
Balinne dies.
Gaelyn says, "He might think 'mm, dinner!... for a sevenday!'."

X'lar wooos. My turn! Candidate Coordinators! With the flight and eggs come Candidates! And during this upcoming cycle, we will have Candidate Coordinators to wrangle and herd... er, /coordinate/ candidates! In addition to simply being there for candidates, the CCs help candidates with potential pranks, events they would like to hold and just basically be an awesome resource to them! Exciting! As you may have already noticed, I have written a bbpost on Ista's board (+bbread 6/14) to that effect. The deadline is one day away (September 25, 2008 (midnight PST)). If you want to get involved and help out with the candidates that are Searched for Ista's very first clutch on NorConMUSH, now is the time for you to tell us! All you have to do is mail the admin group (Nolee, Clen, Fayre, Griere and X'lar or +mail iswadmin) with your interest in being a Candidate Coordinator!

C'len says, "As we begin our search cycle, we need to put together our search committee. We welcome all members of the weyr who don't have an alt applying for search to join the search committee. This is a behind the scenes group that facilitates RP and gets to know the new candidates. If this interests you, please check out the Search Committee Requirements at http://www.istaweyr.net/search/scinfo.php. If you'd like to join, please +mail Nolee and C'len by Friday, September 26th."

C'len says, "We'll also need Searchriders. During IC search, which will start after Lieryth's clutching, searchriders will have the opportunity to search our candidates. While we're not yet ready for searchrider volunteers, keep an eye on the bboard for more information as we get closer to Lieryth's flight. In the meantime, if you're interested, you can check out our searchrider info at http://www.istaweyr.net/search/sriderinfo.php."

Balinne has a question!
C'len says, "Go ahead!"
T'mic's got one when Bali's done. :)

[Insert lost segment of log - Sorry Balinne! The lost segement is where Balinne asks if it would be ok to have an NPC searchrider, as her dragon isn't the searching kind, but she'd still like to participate.]

C'len nods. "I think having an NPC Searchrider would probably be fine. You should still let us know via +mail that you're interested, after we put up the request for that, so you'll be added to the searchrider group."
Balinne says, "Cool"
Nolee was searched by I'sai npcing a blue weyrling dragon on his first search. It was actually pretty cool, the way it was done, with the PC being part of the scene and all, and I didn't feel 'shorted' a search by a PC or anything.

T'mic says, "My question is about timing of clutches - namely, when will the NPC hatching happen? That doesn't need to be answered tonight, of course, but I'd love to see a +bbpost about it when it does."

Nolee says, "Nalaieth and Vildaeth's eggs will conveniently hatch just before Lieryth takes to the sands (she rose just a bit after Rielsath at HRW, so will hatch a bit after too!), and there will surely be a bb welcoming our tiny clutch of npcs to the ranks. :)"

Nolee emits cheers with pompom action celebrating the AWLM for the lil npcs, too.
T'mic says, "Fab. Lets me know roughly what Mic's up to. :)"
Gaelyn eyes the pompom action dubiously.
X'lar ra-ras!

Nolee says, "And for those planning ahead, while the schedule for NCMUSH hatchings isn't finalized yet, our next cycle will likely fall in summer of 2009. :)"

Nolee says, "We are also still accepting transfers from PM straight across until October 7th (as discussed on the NC game forum; see http://norcon.spunsilk.net or news transfers) so if you know anyone who has been thinking about it, please let them know."

Nolee says, "Also, as we've had a few folks ask, we thought we'd note that Ista is accepting Insta-rider applications. Just use the residency app found in +lhelp, adjusting as needed for an impressed character's background, and send it on to iswadmin, and we'll contact you to discuss further your application and flesh out any details. At this time, we are asking that Insta-riders be at least 30 years old, though we may offer the opportunity for Insta-weyrlings after Lieryth's clutch hatches if they're interested in slightly younger characters and would like to bond and connect with a weyrling class. :)"

Nolee says, "Insta characters could also be plot-connected, which brings us to our next agenda item - Plot and event action!"

T'mic says, "Dun dun DUN."
Ch'val has arrived.

Nolee says, "While Ista tends to be a little less death-and-destruction oriented (we've had our moments, though!), the Island weyr joins other areas in thinking about how we could be self-sufficient, how we could finagle a few more marks from our holders and from, well, anyone with a fat purse, really, and we've an idea that could take us down that path. :E"

Nolee says, "Our general goal is to give Ista an identity, a direction to move in as we return to the 'safety' and to the challenges of the interval. So we're moving toward this Ista-as-Vegas concept, which will begin to show up in simple ways (such as in room descs having a touch of Pern-style glitz) and Ista being pushed as a vacation or relaxation spot - with a touch of the seedy snazz that makes Las Vegas, well, Las Vegas."

Balinne waves hand! Question!
Nolee halts and nodnods, we lovey questions. :)
Nolee also welcomes Ch'val, hiya.

Balinne says, "Long, long, long time ago (I think right after Bali's own Weyrlinghood) I had this great little TP idea involving renegades. And.. it didn't go anywhere because we couldn't get wizard approval for it, and then I went *poof* with RL, and it sorta fell into oblivion. Can I ressurect it and toss it admin-ways and see if it's doable?"

T'mic has another question, too. Bali seems to coax 'em out of me!
Balinne grins at Mic.
Gaelyn tsks at the firebrand!

Nolee says, "Please do! We'll be working toward the Ista-Vegas idea, but that doesn't exclude other ideas, and there's a thread on the forum for ones that would welcome public brainstorming. THough of course folks are welcome to chat with any of us admin about your ideas, too, and to pursue personal story arcs as well. ^.^"

T'mic hehs. I saw this on the forum and commented there, but maybe here would be better/just as good. When you say 'seedy snazz' and 'Vegas', I think of Bitra and gambling dens. Is the sort of... watch-your-back-and-wallet vibe what you're talking about? Or more like... Florida Keys/Disney/Bahamas vibe?

Nolee will explain a little more - for those who found the forum part earlier, this bit is the same as what's there but will help to put us all on common ground - and please let me know, T'mic, if I don't come back to your question. :) What this does for Ista is provide a way for us to be the tiniest bit independent of our beholden, and to leech marks from them and anyone else we can lure in when they come to visit, recuperate from injuries or strains, tour, drink, or gamble. :)

T'mic nods.

Nolee says, "So far, we've set things in motion with a runner race that was held back on PM before the game move to NCM, and we've continued it here with the redesign and glitzy improvements made to the Sandbar, then celebrated with its reopening."

Nolee says, "In the future, we're looking to draw in anyone who might be interested in participating. Some events may be on-cam during event sessions, some just happening via anyone's naturally occurring scene, and others might relate via bb postings the political or social situation around the Weyr or neighboring holds. We're working toward a few activities (visualize tour boats, gambling dens, runner racing tracks, Holder shenanigans, potential arson - all the glitz and shine of Vegas plus all of its seedy underbelly, and more!) but the storyline of the Weyr's development is an open one and it can be affected and impacted by anyone who plays at Ista."

Balinne says, "Is this something the Weyr itself is doing, or is it more of a 'small cotholds around the Weyr that are influenced/run BY the Weyr, but not inside the Weyr-bowl' sort of thing?"

X'lar wooooos for ideas! A combination of both, I think is what we're going for. The glamour of Vegas with that hint of seediness like from what Bugsy Siegel and the rest of the mob introduced to the city in the 50s (if you're looking for an equivalent)... I'd like to think we're trying to encompass it all through the use of plot devices and events such as the ones Noles has talked about and the ones that will be added later on, for Ista to change and evolve through the Interval.

T'mic hrms.

Fayre says, "The Weyr itself is doing the glammifying, but the shadier folks (who could be from the Weyr or the surrounding holds) would be the ones exploiting it, I believe."

Ch'val can't imagine there's an absence of Bahamas, what with the sand and waves and natural beauty. *stoically not looking at Balinne, etc.*

T'mic says, "Now Ch'val, you'll turn my head."

Ch'val -_-;

Nolee says, "A little of both, yeah. Sweet pretty Disney elements, cute fun things, but also, say a small shady gambling and drinking den (like the Bitra feel) tries to take root within the weyr but then is relegated by various parties to existence in a secret locale in the jungle, or on one of the smaller islands around Ista Isle - depends where the rp takes it, really, and what occurs naturally through the storylines. :)"

Balinne grins. Now I am envisioning Balinne charging into the forest to chase out her wingriders. Awesome.

Nolee says, "Nolee herself, for example, is avidy against these dens of vice and iniquity, and would try to stop them - and potentially fail or help to make them sneakier, or ? Who knows."

T'mic hrms again. I have to say, shady/Bitra/skeezy isn't what I think of when I think Ista. After all, we have High Reaches for that. ;D *Hides from Satiet and N'thei!*

T'mic hrms again. I have to say, shady/Bitra/skeezy isn't what I think of when I think Ista. After all, we have High Reaches for that. ;D *Hides from Satiet and N'thei!*
T'mic says, "But I like the idea of an underground, not mainstream, 'naughty' (for lack of a better word) off shoot."
X'lar hides from Satiet and N'thei too! ;)
T'mic says, "'Cause heck, even Disney and the Bahamas have their adults-only areas, right?"
Ch'val says, "Disney... okay, did not know that."
Balinne peers at Mic.
Fayre fears Disney's adults only area. o.o;
Ch'val high-fives Fayre.
Nolee says, "Indeed! The Reachians are also paragons of the spread of liquor dens and the like, and we embrace them for it. We're just looking at Ista, aiming to make a quick buck and to lighten some purses, and thinking, yeah - just like Mickey in the topless bar. Or...I think my eyes are bleeding."
Gaelyn says, "Disney's adults only area is going away in favor of more shopping. *cough* Off-topic."

X'lar says, "Mickey in the... topless bar? Wow."
T'mic :P at y'all. After hour clubs at Disney, no kids allowed! Sheesh! And /Mic/ is supposed to be the one with his mind in the gutter!
Fayre says, "Mic...Mickey...coincidence?!"
P'draig says, "It /is/ in the gutter. ;)"
P'draig says, "He might finally get Paddy to do a table dance."
X'lar steals Paddy from Mic. ;)

Nolee laaaughs! And nodnods. Ista might try several things out in its efforts to be a little more self-sufficient, but those that take root and stick around will be up to the weyr to determine, and we certainly welcome and encourage participation and conversation about whatever's going on around Ista. :)

Nolee says, "We'll also have a few plot or story-arc-related characters available for adoption or that we'd welcome PC players for, potentially including a resourceful Captain, minor holders or blooded of minor holds, enterprising traders, bartenders, sailors, crafters, or riders, and residents in a variety of jobs that might take a stand for or against gambling, liquor, or idleness. Look for more on these on the forum, or +mail iswadmin to express your interest. ^.^"

T'mic wanders around randomly borrowing people until Paddy gets back.
T'mic says, "More back to topic - fab, Nolee. :)"
Balinne says, "Does Ista have a Master Baker in their kitchen?"
T'mic says, "We have a Paddy - does that count?"
Balinne says, "no."
Balinne grins.
P'draig pouts
X'lar says, "What about C'len, he bakes too! :)"
Nolee says, "And a C'len! Two tasty food-makers. :)"
P'draig says, "Kaimi technically."
X'lar says, "And X'lar just eats."
T'mic pouts, too.
P'draig says, "But .. there's the gamesplit thing"
Balinne was just thinking, I can see a little TP involving Ista attempting to secure a Master Baker (or two!) for their kitchens, to help draw in the crowd.
P'draig says, "Though yes, I'd planned to have Paddy volunteer to cook at the Sandbar"
Nolee thinks we made out like bandits on the baker-rider count. Mmm, Paddy's cookies.
P'draig says, "Cobbler :) C'len's the cookie guy"
P'draig says, "I was thinking C'len and Paddy oughta have a cook-off. ;)"
X'lar says, "Wait... Paddy makes cobbler? Okay, /definitely/ stealing Paddy now."
T'mic oohs at Bali. Maybe a cooking school of sorts. I know Bakercraft doesn't have a hall, but we could see about making Ista a center for it. Get a -really good- teacher that people want to learn from...

T'mic says, "Sorry, X'lar, you'll have to share. :D"
P'draig says, "Yep. He taught the Candidates when he was here when Jek sired."
Balinne hi5's Mic. Awesome.
P'draig says, "Nala has goo taste, see."
X'lar hrmfs. Sharing. I suppose I could do that. :)
Nolee hee!
T'mic does!

P'draig says, "And yeah, Baker training is supposedly informal and not crafthall based so that could be cool Mic"

Nolee welcomes any other ideas for Vegas-Ista or for anything else - share them here or via our forum thread. Hurrah for ideas!

T'mic says, "Heck, get people to come learn from C'len and P'draig, too. Mmm, baker-riders."

P'draig says, "Ista: Pern's new culinary capital. ;)"
P'draig says, "Iron Chef Ista."

Ch'val ooh.
T'mic high-fives P'draig.
Ch'val says, "Put that in a thread."

Balinne grins.
Nolee says, "And yay for bakers, too. ^.^ And Iron chef!"
Ch'val says, "(and smoke it.)"
T'mic I always wanted to see Iron Chef: Ketchup or Iron Chef: Processed Cheese.
Nolee says, "Or easy cheese, cheese in a can. That'd rock."
[New Players] Guest1: wonders how to get a job?
Fayre saw Iron Chef: Milk once.
Nolee says, "Oops I followed a tangent. :D"
T'mic says, "(Easy Cheese, Velveeta, those plastic rolls of cheese...)"

X'lar says, "CHeeeeeserolls."
T'mic coughs and looks attentively back at the Leaders of the Pack. Sorry for the hijack!
Balinne says, "Mmm food."
P'draig says, "You want the Top Chef make a meal out of gas station stuff challenge, Mic ;)"
P'draig puts a sock in it :)

Nolee wraps up our last section with this bit: we welcome everyone to respond to any events, postings, or rumors in your daily rp and to let the RP go in the course that naturally unfolds. Or if this sparks the "Ohh! How about...!" bug, check out the forum where this info is posted (at http://www.istaweyr.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=44 ), and add in your thoughts, suggestions, or ideas. Or +mail us! We can be reached by +mailing iswadmin. We'd love to hear them, as they'll shape Ista's continued growth and awesomeness. :)

T'mic boogies.
X'lar gets down tonight! :)
Nolee opens for any questions, comments, meanderings, famous last words?
T'mic's got nothing. I see I shall be busy busy on the forum. (And this baby is going to be posted to the LJ, yeah?)
Ch'val is in so far over head, cannot reach question mark key. :)
Balinne is good. No questions on this end!
T'mic says, "And thus, I have no questions either. ;)"
Nolee says, "Yep, log will be up shortly (may help bring ? key closer? We can hope!) and hurrah for forum ideas, too. ^.^"
P'draig is good :)
X'lar woohoos. :)
Ch'val says, "I'm good for now. :)"
Nolee says, "Rock. Thanks again all! Log up soon. :)"

C'len says, "Thanks everyone for coming!"
Balinne prances. Yay!
T'mic says, "Whee!"
Fayre says, "Yes, thank you to all!"
Fayre is excited that you guys have awesome ideas already. :3
T'mic says, "I like the fact (which has nothing to do with Ista, and everything to do with NC) that we'll have 'real time' weyrlings, and overlapping weyrling classes. :D"
You have a new message from Gaelyn in folder 'main'.
Nolee cools, that'll make for busy AWLMs, hee. And interesting overlap of various areas of the barracks use, etc.
Fayre scuttles off to read more of The Canterbury Tales. Middle English requires all of my brain power. x.x; Thanks for the meeting everyone!


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