In which a hatching occurs at Ista Weyr, part 1

Apr 19, 2008 16:32

Sani, Tereke, Coren, Fyra, Caitlyn, Nolee, Amaris, Tzivya, Madge, Q'vek, A'son, Griere, Aidra, Anderon, Basquirin, Fayre, Rori, Tiglan, Xielar, Nalaieth, Talurith, R'layn, Noemie, Naijath, Aerianth, Fraya, Rhadruth, R'us, Suvain, Ephara, Malaith, Juliri, Mariun, T'mic, Lujayn, Rielsath, Nikoth, Vrianth, Leova, Gay, Liabeth, Milani, Danika,

Running full tilt and pell mell into the cavern, Caitlyn pushes rather brutally past a few teenagers to find prime seating for the imminent event - Kintryth's hum having prewarned the woman.

Tereke has been sitting in his seat for quite a while now. He had developed a habit of sneaking peaks now anda gain. Sani had only just entered when the eggs began to move, and that deep thrum filled his heart. "Sani! Put that down and come watch!"

Sani manages to find a stable spot to set the tray of cold drinks and sighs, shaking her head. "I didn't mean to burn the blasted meat pies." she mutters to herself. "I never could cook worth anything." Turning, she watches the eggs.

Two greenriders are followed into the galleries by a pair of running weyrbrats, skipping up the stairs as fast as possible to rush the crowd to the best seats. Fyra, trying her best to push past some Istan resident, glances back towards the other blonde girl. "C'mon, Rissy! Mum said Xie's standing, too!" She bounces towards a seat, all big grins as she looks down upon the sands.

Nolee's dressed up for the occasion, the preparations enough in advance for her to have set out the proper attire. Her arrival is marked by the usual tripping on the stairs before she claims a favored spot a few rows up, little attention spared for the eggs as she jostles among the early arrivers, calling hallos all about as she goes.

The excitement is a magnet for tzivya, the greenrider bounding into the galleries with a bright grin. A quick dart around finds a few familiar faces, people who earn waves before she makes her way right up to the front of the galleries, as close as she can get to the action. "About time, I was starting to wonder if they would /ever/ hatch!" She comments to the people around her.

Amaris is never far behind, a wild look of excitement on her face as a brown flit glides above her. "Xie? Really? Ain't imagine him getting searched." She comments, slipping between a couple in order to reaches Fyra, sitting quickly next to her only to get right back up. "Wanna place bets?" She asks, much more awake for this hatching than the High Reaches one. She scans the sands, examining the eggs.

Tereke wiggled a little in his seat as he gestured again to Sani, "Come now, woman! Sit -down!-" he says, unwilling to move from his seat. He's clearly beyond excited. He's never before seen a Hatching, and he doesn't want to miss any of it!

Sani chuckles and hands Tereke a mug of cold iced fruit drink from the tray next to her. As others come in, she nods in greeting. "If anylne's thirsty, there's cold drinks from the kitchen right here." she indicates the large tray, before sitting next to Tereke and watching the scene below, smiling as she sees her friends make their way to the sands.

On the sands, The dragons are humming and the eggs are beginning to rock. The candidates are led onto the sands in file, past Aerianth and Nikoth. One by one they politely bow to the clutchparents before settling into a loose circle around the clutch.

That R'us is here at all says something. That he's not coated in the leathers and wool that the season would demand back at Fort says something else. He clomps up the stairs, tugging a bit at his shirt collar with one hand and making a pointless effort to smooth the humidity-blown mop of his hair with the other. He shuffles between benches and takes up more space than he's really entitled to, then casts glances around for those to whom he ought to be offering salutes. Some of them might even get them.

Leova is green Vrianth's rider, at HighReaches Weyr.
Coren smiles and thanks Sani for bringing refreshments while his own cup. He practically drops it next to his seat though, to turn and watch the eggs when the dragons begin humming.

On the sands, Aidra completes her bow follows Xielar and Anderon onto the sands, hands nervously wringing at her newly prepared robe. "Ummmm." Yeah, that's all that the weyrbrd girl has to say for now, already beginning to shift around on her sandaled feet. "Got a free hand you can lend me?" The question is asked of Anderon, Xielar, or anyone relatively close by. She needs protection! Really.

Accompanied by a friend wearing the knot of a Fortian bluerider, Suvain dances from foot to foot excitedly. Her friend urges her to find a seat, nudging from behind until the two Fortians find empty spots in the middle somewhere and through quick rearrangement of her skirts, Suvain avoids a mishap with an older man's cane. "Oops, sorry," she apologizes then turns to her friend to aside, "It's so warm here."

On the sands, With a loud crack, Ghastly Ghoul's Egg kicks its occupant out into the world. The large, coltish brown hurries up and down the candidates before landing in front of one in particular. Wruseth! Seltamar, now Smar says, beaming ear to ear as theyre led away.

"Seems he was asked /long/ 'go, too," Fyra says, bobbing her head down towards the eggs. She does not sit down at all on the benches, but immediately points to the sands. "There he is! Xie!" And the small girl is bouncing by the railing, waving her arms up to get the attention of the candidate. She does decide that maybe keeping him distracted is a bad idea and she turns back to her friend. "He'll get a brown, I bet. An' there's /got/ to be at least two bronzes."

Fraya is home for a visit, peering at the sands as she trails in with her mother and father behind her as well as a younger boy. She is silent though, seeking a seat free of people around her. No such luck for Fraya, so she sits in the first seat she says.

Sani blinks. "Oh now that was fast." she chuckles.

On the sands, Fayre settles into the usual candidate dance, hopping back and forth from sandal to sandal. Is it the heat of the sands? Nerves? Probably both. Her chestnut eyes begin to flick around the sea of robbed candidates. "Where are ya, Xielar?" She shuffles closer to Aidra, keeping her hands firmly clasped behind her back with a stiff, nervous smile. "Um, well, my hands are awfully sweaty, so...yours might slip out, and it's kind of gross. Sorry?"

On the sands, Xielar looks around before glancing to Fayre, his feet hopping from one foot to another, the heat already making him shifty-footed. "This is -so- much different than I thought," Xie offers to Fayre and Andy nearby. Xie gives Andy a grin, but blinks suddenly, craning his neck. "Was that -Seltamar-!?" he calls out in amazement. "So fast..."

Lujayn scrambles hastily up the stairs to the gallery, neck craning up to get a look at the sands. "Got here just in time," She remarks to Leova, searching hurriedly for good seats.

On the sands, Basquirin can't help but look absolutely hot after he's done bowing to the clutchparents. He's very quickly broken into a sweat, and he can't help but utter "Fardles," to a nearby Candidate in the midst of such horrible heat! He shuffles over to where Xielar, Anderon, and Aidra are, and he looks rather surprised at Xie. "Wow... yes, y-yes it was." Anxiousness, much?

On the sands, T'mic follows behind the last of the Candidates, turning to check behind him reflexively. Then his eyes, drifting toward the galleries, slip over the first Impression, and his attention goes back to his duty. "Congratulations," he tells the new brownrider, escorting the pair toward the corner of the Sands. "Fine boy you have there."

Anderon shuffles onto the sands with the other candidates, sandwiched between Xielar and Aidra. A hand goes out to the latter when she asks, though he won't say anything about it; his attention is on the already-hatched egg. "Yeah, it's fast," he replies to Xie. "Faster than I thought, but. Well."

On the sands, Anderon shuffles onto the sands with the other candidates, sandwiched between Xielar and Aidra. A hand goes out to the latter when she asks, though he won't say anything about it; his attention is on the already-hatched egg. "Yeah, it's fast," he replies to Xie. "Faster than I thought, but. Well."

Nalaieth> Vrianth lands a few minutes after Rielsath, her rider quickly sliding down with an awkward cloth-wrapped handful. Leova takes a few backwards steps, eyes on Vrianth rather than the sands, before heading for the stairs and the rest of the crowd.

On the sands, Rock, rock and crack! More Than A Stick Egg breaks open and a dainty green emerges, treading lightly but quickly across the sands to a tall young man. Oh yes, Ysvelth, youre gorgeous! This happy pair too is led off.

Tereke's excitement is almost too much to contain when the first egg Hatches. So fast!

On the sands, Madge stands off to the side, her hands clasped behind her back. She watches the eggs, and the candidates, with clear black eyes. And maybe spends a little more time on the latter.

After Coren's sharp breath, he nods in agreement with Sani, and smiles again as he looks back to watch the second egg hatch.

Tzivya all-but jumps up and down as the Candidates make their way onto the sands, grinning brightly. Her wave is much more subdued than some of them, but it's clear she's plenty excited. She looks around, grinning more. "Anyone taking book on this? Feryth actually Searched one of them, it would be rude of me not to put a few marks on her!"

On the sands, Aidra's mouth kind of hangs somewhat open as a dragon is -already- scurring about, immediately sticking her hand in Anderon's as he offers it. "This seems different, being down here instead of up there," the girl says, canting her head nervously up towards the galleries before grinning over at Fayre. "It's okay. How're you feeling, Basq?" Seems like her attention's jumping around more than usual.

"Blue, did ya see that?" Amaris tells her friend, giving her a slap on the shoulder and then pointing at the newly impressed pair. "Bet the next is brown, wanna bet?" She's all about betting today. And she sits a bit taller in order to catch some more action.

Leova makes her way after Lujayn, apologizing here and there where she runs a risk of treading on toes, and only dropping a couple little chunks of fruit along the way.

On the sands, Basquirin gives Aidra a sidelong glance, before looking back towards the suddenly hatching eggs. "Hot. Very, very, hot." He complains, beginning to do his own variation on the hop-hop-hop candidate dance. Basq takes a deep breath, and says, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to happen so /fast/."

On the sands, Glitter and Glitz Egg cracks wholly open, splitting rather neatly into jagged halves. The tidiness of this arrangement is not to last, however, for the hatchling within is curled tight with wings tangled around himself, head tucked under, back legs in the air. He kicks them, then sprawls over atop one of the parts of his shell, crushing it into so many soggy shards. Finally, the little brown rights himself and shakes goo and sand from his head, eyes already whirling a hungry hue as he gets his first look 'round the great big world.

Reflective Seasons Brown
A winter's glimmering mist has settled upon this lithe brown, the haze of mountaintops and crisp mornings with the lightest kiss of snow lightening him along his jaw, across his eyeridges and around his elbows and knees; this pale hue settling over his round muzzle and large eyes lends a touch of age to an ever-youthful face. Between and around these frosty markings, his hide darkens into the rich, deep notes of freshly turned earth with tawny spring tones sprouting along the sides of his slender neck, the entirety of his slim torso and the taper of his graceful, spaded tail. The warmth of sun gleams saffron down sinuously curving neckridges and between arched mahogany spars, his large wings sporting broad sails revealing a patchwork of hues. From ginger to garnet, they crisscross one another in chaotic splotches like autumn leaves scattered over loamy ground. He's certain in manner and movement, each motion carrying him forward with smooth inevitability, the most gracious of marches.

"What color was it?" Suvain asks, her friend too late to answer as she over hears Amaris. "Blue?" A large man standing in front of her blocks her view of the sands, the thin blonde twisting this way and that to see around him. "Blue?" "Blue," agrees the bluerider by her side. "Oh my," exhales the Fortian when the man sinks into his seat, "Are there already two Impressed? Was ours so fast?"

On the sands, Xielar looks stunned as another Impression takes place. "Sh-shells. It's happening -too- fast. Isn't it?" These remarks are said to those nearby, specifically Andy and Fayre. Xie watches the eggs before blinking as he manages to blink once more, stating the obvious: "Ooh. Look. A brown came from that egg!"

On the sands, Rori is one of the last to emerge and one of the last to bow, but she hastily shuffles into place with her fellow candidates. Her breathing is shaky and her hands nervously pick at the front of her robe, pinching and twisting the material this way or that. It is a relief to see the familiar faces nearby however, and she gives either candidate on the sides of her a tentative smile.

On the sands, Andy looks around the sands, forcibly tearing his gaze away from the eggs and the hatchlings in order to grin reassurance at his friends. In looking, though, he sees one of the new weyrlingmasters, and the grin wobbles, falters. "Is that /Madge/?" he demands of Xielar in a low voice. "I'd heard rumors, but I didn't... Shells." He swallows hard and looks back at the eggs, and there's a deep, indrawn breath for the appearance of the newest brown.

Caitlyn leans over towards the nearby railing, cooing at those emergant hatchlings, totally enrapt by their appearances, motions.

Fyra bobs her head to the other blonde, pulling her eyes away from the hatching eggs to glance around the galleries for faces. "They're really popping fast this time 'round. No bronzes..." She sniffs, catches her mother's eyes, and then turns back to the sands. "Saynth Searched one of them. I hope she Impresses... But-- oh, look! Another brown! That's /got/ to be Xie's, now." She snickers, unable to take a seat, and mimics the candidates hopping about.

Tereke was already getting lost. So quickly is everything moving, that he doesn't know where to look. He tries to keep an eye on the candidate he was there to root for.

On the sands, Aidra aims another nervous grin over at Basquirin, doing the same type of odd-shuffle that he is. "And Xielar said it wasn't going to happen today, too," she says in almost a chiding sort of tone, rolling her eyes impishly towards said candidate. "Madge, where?" The candidate's head kind of does this weird swivel thing, eyes finally alighting on the mentioned brownrider. "Uhhh."

On the sands, Madge returns from escorting Ysvelth and her new rider off the sands, just in time to see the new brown. Her lazy jog comes to a halt and she takes a deep breath, hands at her sides now.

On the sands, Black, White, and Read All Over Egg gives a final violent shudder and then it is suddenly still, all intentions of hatching masked. And then without warning, it splits directly down the middle with a tremendous cracking sound and a muscled bronze hatchling spills out onto the sands like a little ball of fire.

On the sands, Fayre nods once, twice, three times in quick succesion. "A-aye. That's a brown. Yup. Looks like it should be from High Reaches, almost, y'know?" She raises and drops her hands, perhaps trying to imitate the falling of snow. She doesn't do it well, but hey! She is an Istan, after all. "Um, 'cause it looks...frosty, y'know?"
Blazing Masquerade Bronze
Gleaming shades of crimson-tinged bronze have imbued this sculpted dragon with the heat and intensity of a bonfire. Headknobs and pronounced neckridges are touched with soot, hazy darkness mingling with the rich shade of red-chased bronze that burns brightest across his back. Inconstant as tongues of flame, his soft hide glistens when the light catches it and the searing tones that grace broad shoulders and deep ribcage are as varied as they are vivid. From muscled chest to taut belly and along the clean lines of well-toned haunches, the fire softens, bathing him in warm metallic hues of copper and rust. Down powerful legs the brighter colors dim to smoldering embers, ending in cruelly curved claws the dark matte of charred wood - fuel to feed the devouring inferno. Sparks swirl and glimmer over wide, arching wings; pale shimmers trace each spar and cast his translucent wingsails into brilliance. His angular face is made more distinct by streaks of ash along his cheekbones and the bridge of his snout while beneath sweeping eyeridges keenly angled eyes hint at the sly workings within.

Amaris watches the newly hatched brown, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Xie on brown you think? That sounds 'bout right. Which one 'em is the one your mum searched?" She asks, eyes moving off the sands to get a glimpse at the greenrider pair behind them. It's in this instant that she misses the bronze's entrance. "Another one!"

Gay comes up into the galleries as quickly as she can, the usually-cheerful woman's mood already dampened a touch by the state of her big ol'hair in Istan humidity, from the way she's pulling at her curls distractedly. Attention immediately on the sands, she tries to keep tabs on the action there while looking for someone she knows. No mean feat there.

On the sands, Basquirin rolls his eyes at Xielar, and says, "Nah, really?" in the best sarcastic tone he could possibly muster up - though it's greatly hampered by his present nervousness at the hatching at hand. And excitement, for there's a pretty large and goofy looking grin on the Candidate's face as he watches the hatching. He gives a light chuckle at Aidra's jest, before seeing the bronze hatch. "Oooh," he says in reaction to the bronze's hatching.

On the sands, T'mic drops Madge a nod, sends another toward the brown. "Got 'im," he murmurs, low-voiced, and takes to stalking the brown's path on the outside of the Candidate's ring, his eyes darting hither and yon for other bits of excitement.
Ephara finds herself a seat just in time for the bronze to hatch, clapping her hands in glee. "He's a handsome one!" she remarks to no one in particular.

"Oh a bronze," Tereke said, taking a breath through his teeth. "Gorgeous thing, isn't he, Sani? And those browns, look at that one..." he trails off, on the edge of his seat.
Tzivya finds a bluerider quietly taking wagers, and after a moments whispered conversation, she passes a small pouch of marks over to him. Her grin is triumphant as she returns to the railing, spotting Caitlyn. "Cait!" She says excitedly. "How're you? You looking after them this time around, or are they spared that?" She asks, her tone teasing.

On the sands, Xielar looks to Andy and suppresses a sudden giggle at the other candidate's reaction to Madge. "Uh," Xie finally comments to Andy. "Looks like it?" He grins again at his friend's reaction before lifting one foot. "It's -so- hot," he offers to Fayre, stating the obvious again.

Sani sips her drink and smiles. "They're gorgeous." she grins at Tek. "I hope Xielar Impresses. I really do."

Leova, once she's finally in a seat, starts squinting at the sands. Leaning this way and that. Even rubbing her eyes as though it would help. Until suddenly she blinks, glances back to the ledges, and sits back with her eyes shut. "There's Basq. He looks happy. Hope that lasts."

Fyra squeals loudly as the bronze is deposited on the sands, jumping and pointing and tossing her head about. "There's one! Isn't he /amazing/?" She's grinning at the dragonet, watching it carefully before her attention is returned to the galleries. "Huh? Oh... I dunno which one Saynth Searched. She'll probably remember if she Impresses." She looks between the brown and the bronze, pursing her lips. "I wonder who the bronze will choose."

On the sands, Andy glances over at Rori and offers her a small smile, though his attention is mostly for the rapidly-cracking eggs. His hand tightens around Aidra's when the bronze hatches, but he catches himself quickly, loosening his grip moments later. "Sorry," he murmurs, and looks apologetically at the girl. "Nervous. Like they'd all said -- s'hot." Pause. "Y'doing all right?"

On the sands, Aidra lifts up her free hand as though to try and tick off the colors as they arrive, saying, "So there's two browns, one bronze, and what was Ysvelth again? Green?" She should probably just give up now, but instead taps her fingers thoughtfully against her chin, still doing the odd hot sands shuffle. To Andy, said as his grips tightens: "Sorry if my hand gets a little uhh. Sweaty. And it's okay. I'm just as nervous as you. How're your feet?"

Tereke nods "He's bound for a brown, -everyone- knows it," he manages. His wagers were already in with another resident. He and some others had made their bets weeks ago. So far, he wasn't doing half bad, either!

Lujayn finally finds a seat and sits on the edge of it as another egg cracks open. "Do you-" She starts to ask Leova, when her question is answered> "Yeah, I think I see him. Go Basq!" Lu waves and cheers, though she's already lost in the noisy crowd.

Nolee misses the first impression, so busy is she scooting her cheerful way into an area that will give her a good view. The noise from the crowd is a cue, however, and she squints down at the sand. "Did something hatch? Is it a blue? I win if it was a blue that went first, so I'm hoping it was. Knowing that dragon from the sire who was in jail, though, it was probably a green."

On the sands, Fayre nods again as her soft brown eyes nervously flick to the next bit of movement, which happens to be the new bronze. "Oh, he's pretty too. Um, well, handsome? I guess pretty ain't very masculine, but he is masculine, so..ahh..." Her bumbling trails off and her fingers begin to twitch nervously, though her hands still remain behind her back.

Amaris can't help but giggle at Fyra's reaction to the bronze hatchling, snorting a bit too. "Get a grip, just a bronze ya know? Bet Xie gets it! I say he's a bronzer. And if he does it'll be better for him to help you." She occupies herself with tossing a piece of roll to the brown flitter, having gotten it out of her jacket pocket.

Suvain exclaims, "Brown. Bronze!" Triumph rings. She can see, but the man in front of her winces at the loudness of the Fortian's voice. "I don't think ours was quite so fast," concludes the blonde teen to the sandy-haired rider by her and now that her hatching curiosity's been satiated, her attention drifts about to seek out familiar faces. Overhearing a question, she calls back into the nearby crowd, "Think the first Impression was a brown. Not blue, sorry."

"Few hatched," Leova reports. "Dunno how many, some gone." To Lujayn, "Shoulda brought your banners, wave them around some. And there's that kid from the picnic, and the other one..." Someone comes by, starting to crowd in the spot next to her, she looks up, "Sorry. Seat's taken. She's around here somewhere."

On the sands, Basquirin looks over at Fayre, and gives a nervous grin. "I s'pose you're right," he utters along with a nervous chuckle, before looking back at the newly-hatched dragonlings. "Aren't we all?" He says, mainly in response to Andy's comment, and the former stablehand has to wipe some more sweat off of his brow - shards, it's just so hot!

Momentarily distracted chattering to someone else, Milani returns and drops down into that seat by Leova. "Whew! Well, seems there's lots of marks on that lad right there," she points to one of the Candidates on the Sands and laughs a little. "BAnners? Now there's an idea for next time."

On the sands, Reflective Seasons Brown Hatchling rights his wings, the last part of him to gain equilibrium and the slowest. They span wide, then slide back along his sides, grains of damp sand clinging to the sails. He trips forth from the remains of his broken shell and, after a blinking moment, begins inspection of the white-robed offerings presented for selection. A sniff here, a stare there - and the sleek brown keeps on moving, growing more self-possessed with each step.

"When did -he- hatch?" Xie asks Basquirin, clearly stunned by the beauty of the hatchling. He hears Fayre's remarks and nods again, seemingly still dumbfounded by the speed of the whole Hatching. "Reachian," Xielar says to Basq, grinning fiercely at him. "Shells, that brown is so sleek," he tells Fayre.

On the sands, Anderon nods. "Green, yeah. And don't worry about it; I'll probably just think it's my own sweat." Gross, huh? All that sweat. He doesn't seem to really care, though, as his attention is already sweeping across the sands again, gaze carefully tracking the brown's movements. "Feet're fine," he adds a little absently. "Thick sandals. He seems awfully sure of himself, that one."

Fyra seems to consider this idea, and then bobs her head. "Well, yah, I can see him on a bronze, too, but then he's got the chance of being Weyrleader." And her nose wrinkles up at /that/ idea for a moment. "But he might be a good Weyrleader... since he's already part of the team, y'know?" Easier to manipulate when she has to.. Her eyes narrow as she watches the dragons, finally taking a seat. For now. "Do ya have more rolls, Rissy?" She asks her friend, watching her feed her brown. Her own green lizard is not around at the moment.. thankfully.

On the sands, Rori decides to fold her hands primly in front to keep her movements limited and consequentially her anxiety less noticeable. Eggs are rocking and dragons are hatching, so there is not much time to comment on the other candidates' responses as her attention is snagged by first one then another Impression. In between smiling at new weyrlings, she looks down the line and gives Andy a grin. She silently mouths, "Good luck," before getting back into position, back straight and feet together.

On the sands, Blazing Masquerade Bronze Hatchling shakes his eyes free of concealing egg goop, blinking owlishly at his too bright surroundings as he climbs forth on mostly steady legs. He lingers about the remnants of his former home, head dropping low to cast a sly look around at everything in this noisy place. Big gold and bronze things, smallish white things, and lots of black, grainy stuff. Mm-hm.

Leova glances up, "There you are, Millie! Have you seen them? Lujayn's got them dangling from poles up high." She points before she shuts her eyes again. "Are they less clumsy than ours were, or is it just that we're up here instead of down there?" She mutters in a lower voice just for Milani, "Heard someone talking about A'son. Didn't want to look back and see who."

On the sands, Aidra grins up at Anderon, wriggling her fingers about for a moment in his hand before stilling them. "That's fine by me!" Girls don't sweat anyway, right? Her blue eyes flick from brown to bronze, settling on each for a moment before moving on to the next -- the better to preserve herself, really. "Yeah. Same with the bronze, too, don't you think?"

Sani chuckles at the Bronze's reaction. "Oh I bet that Bronze is going to be way too sneaky. Whoever Impresses him will have to be on guard, I think."

The galleries are packed enough that trying to find anyone is more or less a lost cause - and you snooze, you lose with seating. So Gay finds herself a lean against the wall near the entrance, deflecting any offers of seats distractedly, offering greetings to random people along the way. With a squint, she peers over Ephara's way curiously, then back to the hatching underway.

On the sands, The Imperial Luminary Egg gives a shiver. A shake. A wiggle. And then, nearly before cracks can form, the golden top pops off to reveal a slick snout, the hatchling's struggles apparent in the flare of newborn nostrils. The shell begins to break away, falling in chunks around the feet of its former inmate.

Caitlyn leans in against her nearest neighbor, the bluerider practically bouncing up and down in her seat. "See him? THere's Xie! Goo XIE!" she hollers at the poor candidate below, even though he's unlikely to hear in all this noise.

Sun-Soaked Summer's End Gold
With a hide of gilded wheat over solid muscle and ample curve, her golden form is one of power and activity cast in the ruddy glow of a spent sun. An open, honest quality is lent to her rounded face by keen, bright eyes and wide-set headknobs and energy found in the quick deftness of dark earthy talons. She is compact in figure, with robust shoulders and haunches, and limbs that make up for their lack of length by the simple surety of their movement, an effortless agility where it may be unexpected. Ruby lowlights burnish softly about her aureate sides and rounded belly, dappled in clusters of resplendent glinting grains across her flanks while brushstrokes of shining amber lend a feathered illusion along her spine. Amidst these wispy patterns, small ochre neckridges stream down her back in a series of soft caramel peaks. Her sturdy wingspars, when spread, reveal broad sails of honey-hued ale, a luminous shade that swirls across the thick membranes like liquid that has captured the light of summer.

On the sands, Fayre wiggles her eyebrows at Aidra, a true smile breaking out on her face for a moment. "Hey, I just told you my hands are all sweaty. You sayin' I ain't a girl? I could prove you wrong, but that might be a bit awkward here on the sands, y'know?" Her gaze shifts to Xielar for a moment and her smile turns into an encouraging one. "Yeah, it is sleek. Maybe it's for you! 'cause you're so sleek and all." Just the slightest bit of a teasing tone creeps into her voice at the end.

On the sands, Basquirin replies to Xielar, "not too long ago," with that goofy grin still on his face. He's still doing his little dance, though he's still able to offer Xie a chuckle back. "Istan." He winks back at the other Candidate, before returning his glance to the brown and bronze dragons. He chuckles lightly again at Fayre's comment, though he's unable to add onto it, distracted by the hatching of the newborn Gold.

On the sands, Andy just barely catches Rori's mouthed, "Good luck," and he blinks before returning it, lips moving around the silent words. Then it's back to watching the dragons, his wide eyes this time resting on the new gold. "Wasn't expecting that one," he mutters. "She's beautiful, though, ain't she?"

Amaris is just about to shove the rest of the roll into her mouth when she pauses at Fyra's question, nodding and producing another one. "I figured we'd get hungry, gotta be prepared." And she hands it over to her friend with a grin. "'S true I guess, always best to have someone ya know bein' weyrleader." She's examining the white robed candidates, no doubt trying to locate Xielar when the gold hatches. "Look! A gold!" She says excitedly, pointing at the newest arrival.

On the sands, Xielar looks back to Anderon before returning his gaze to the bronze hatchling. "Why's he looking like that, you think?" Xie asks of Fayre, hopping from one foot to another while sweat soaks his eye brows. He grins briefly as he notes the brown, too, offering to Andy: "That one looks pretty-" But all is lost as he fumbles for words at the Gold's hatching. "Shells... Looks like the goldriders are gaining another member in their crew."

Nolee finds the spaces in her chosen area full, so she gravitates toward the direction the answer to her vague and inspecific question came from, finding herself near Suvain and R'us. "What was that? Not a blue?" Crestfallen, Nolee makes a face, but her sulking is short-lived as the action on the sands can be better seen from over here. "Jays. Sure is exciting, isn't it?"

Tereke snorts, the neglected juice in his cup spilling over as he jumps in excitement. He gasps, and gives a wild breath of awe, "The Gold!"

Tzivya appears to run out of exuberant words, lapsing into a tense quiet as she watches the tableu unfold. At the appearance of the gold, she bounces more, grinning with excitement and focusing her gaze on Aidra, looking hopeful.

On the sands, Aidra kind of snickers over at Fayre, grinning broadly and waggling her free hand about playfully. "Nah, not saying you're not a girl at all, Fayre," the candidate reassures the other -- complete with a comedic eyebrow waggle -- before glancing towards the new hatchling. "Gold, huh? She's pretty. Now, where'd the other ones go?" Meaning the brown and the bronze, before she tilts her head up to answer Andy: "Yeah, she's beautiful."

Leova leans to murmur to Lujayn, "How's it feel, thinking that last time people were making a fuss over you'n Rielsath?" She stretches her legs out, then starts sharing out fruit from the package she'd brought. "Fresh from Southern, Millie. Got the good errand for once."

On the sands, Reflective Seasons Brown Hatchling looses a steamy breath of displeasure, pausing a moment to look back over the candidates he's already investigated. None inspire a second look, though, and with increasing ferocity in the whirl of his reddened eyes the slender brown moves on, only to be distracted by peripheral awareness of something moving back the way from whence he came. An egg, hatching, nothing more. He exhales again, a steamy sigh of disappointment, and renews his attention to the task of checking out the white-robed figures he's yet to review. Along he plods, hope growing grim.

On the sands, Madge sees the gold, casts around for T'mic. Brown's covered, she prowls the sidelines.

"Seriously?" Milani makes big eyes and squints upward then looks back down at the Sands. "It's b ecause you're sitting up here. Must be all sorts of nerve-wracking being down there. It's a wherry's eye view from up here. Gotta be different," Milani says confidently then tips her head Leova's way and nods. "It's allright. We're here for the /hatching/," she murmurs emphatically and peers back down to the Sands. "Ooo ..." absently she takes what Leova's offering, trading the round fruit from palm to palm.

Lujayn scoots over a fraction of an inch, trying to make as much room for Milani as she can. "Did you like them, the banners? Rielsath wanted something decorative on those poles," She smiles, eyes intent on the sands even as she answers Leova with a soft mutter. "Strange, is what. Still feel a littler nervous for them, though." A nod down to the poor white-robed figures.

"He can't find anybody!" He's not paying any more attention to what might be the dragon of a future Weyrwoman. No, he's wild with concern for the poor little brown that still hasn't Impressed.

Danika wipes her hands as she enters the galleries, apparently the baker might have other things she is supposed to be doing from the wary glances she gives the door leading out. She walks in with another apprentice and shakes her head. "Sure, it's great to get to be here, even if we do have to help out to get the ride, but do they have to take *all* our time during the hatching?" The other apprentice looks worried and Danika shakes her head. "It'll be all right, if we get in trouble I'll say it was my idea." From the look on the other girl's face it probably was, anyway. Danika doesn't need a seat, she's content enough to stand, sometimes bouncing excitedly as she watches the newly hatched dragons.

Sani arches an eyebrow. "Poor brown youngster. C'mon.. you can find someone amongst them." she murmers encouragement, even if it's not helping anyone.

Suvain's ear trains to where that question originated from and the response she gets back, finding Nolee with a quick, shy grin. "It really is. It's the first hatching I've gotten a chance to get out to see since our own." She nods to the bluerider next to her, the both of them see. "I can't remember ours going so fast, but I guess it must've? Oh wow, a gold too. They're all so purposeful."

Fyra takes the meatroll from the girl, beaming. "Thanks! Good idea." She immediately goes to nibble on it, catching the gold's hatching with a nod. "I'm watching, Rissy. She's a pretty thing." She doesn't seem as interested in the gold as she is in the two male dragons, shifting anxiously in her seat. "They sure are taking their time there. Go on! Xie's your man! Brown /or/ bronze, it's always good to know dragonriders. Good connections."

On the sands, T'mic continues to pace that brown, only barely noting the new bronze. The cries of, "Gold!" and "Pretty!" pull him up for a second, blue eyes scanning through the ranks of white robes until he spots the young queen. Spotting her he glances toward the ledges and grins, but all too quickly he's back to his job, tracking the displeased brown.

R'us is a charming figure, arms crossed, expression almost hostile in its frowning consideration of the goings-on below. The brown's plight, the gold's hatching - they have most of his attention, though not quite all; of Nolee, he eventually asks, "You had a wager on a blue?" Suvain gets a nod. "It did." Go so fast, evidently.

On the sands, Fayre's gaze breaks from the bronze and brown to look around after all this talk of a gold hatchling. After spotting it, she nods, as if confirming its presence. "Yup, looks like it. Someone's in store for a lot more hidework, eh?" She says quietly with a chuckle in response to Xielar.

Tereke never expected this emotion to pop up at the Hatching. Anxiety? Fear? He feels as antsy as a Candidate, Even Xie has left his mind as he watches the brown, tapping his foot and shifting and moving and well, not sitting still.

Coren fully gasps at the gold's entrance, and lets out the breath slowly. "..Beautiful.." he says more to himself, than anyone. His gaze then follows the brown, and he finally goes back to take a sip of his fruit drink. "Wonder who he'll decide on.."

On the sands, Reflective Seasons Brown Hatchling stops. His hungry eyes whirl slower, then seem to quit whirling altogether. His tail wraps slowly around his feet with a final flick of its spaded tip, and then the little brown's as good as a statue. For a long moment he's frozen like so, inspiring held breaths among those in the stands who watch him - and then all at once he's in motion, loping easily with wings outstretched toward an awkward young man.

"Right, right, the hatching." Good thing Leova has Milani to remember these things for her. "Least Vrianth can see better than me. If that man would just slouch a little more, would help. A lot... But the banners. Definitely. Like the way the wind takes them, and you can see where the wind's coming from instead of doing the lick-your-finger routine or bothering your dragon." She gives Lujayn a closer look before the sands draw her back. "Buying what they said about Istan hatchings being bloody?"

Nolee smiles back at Suvain, her large brown eyes bright with the excitement of the day. "It's far more relaxing from up here than from down there. Fewer claws, too. Except we can see more of what's happening from up here." Nodnod. R'us's non-welcoming posture gets a tilted head, then Nolee laughs. "There's a betting pool? Most places have one, at least, I think they do. I bet, but I guess I bet wrong. Jays, they all seem to go so fast. It's the part before that's slow."

On the sands, Anderon watches the brown plod along, eyebrows rising slightly at its sigh of disappointment. "Wonder if it's confusing for 'em, with all of us around," he says thoughtfully, but now is not a time for philosophy; Aidra's question has him looking around for the bronze. "Dunno," he admits. "I'm losing track, it's going so fast."

"Has he found someone? He looks so purposeful now..." Tereke trails off, brown eyes watching a brown hide.

Stiff-backed and broad-shouldered, the chances of R'us - possibly an unwitting block to visibility - seems unlikely to slouch a little more. "You seemed disappointed s'wasn't blue," explains the Fortian briefly to Nolee, with a tip of a nod to her to convey a respectfulness his words don't quite manage. "Figured."

On the sands, Xielar watches as the brown continues to plod about on the sands. Xie shakes his head and comments to Fayre, "He's got to find his person -some- time, right?" And again, he cranes about to look from brown, to bronze to gold, seemingly uncertain of where to actually look.

On the sands, Aidra's tongue zips out to lick at her lips in a nervous gesture, fingers again unconciously tightening and loosening about Anderon's. "Yep," is her response to Fayre's overheard comment before she casts her eyes towards the brown. "You think he can't find anyone, Andy? Oh, nevermind, he's kind of going fast towards..." Aidra's statement tapers off before she tilts her head in contemplation. "Probably. They're just babies!"

"It's always nervous-making," Millie offers over Lujayn's way with a grin and then she eyes Leova thoughtfully. "I could stand up and you could sit on my shoulders." Because she's tall enough to have a clear view. "Or it might be simpler to just swap spots. I think I clear the guy." She sinks her teeth into her piece of fruit, juices dripping down chin and onto fingers. "Shells. That's /fresh/. Good too." And she's rummaging for a hanky and trying not to get spots on her dress.

Even at her friend's assurance that she is watching Amaris takes it upon herself to continue pointing things out. "Yah, those two dragonets seem kinda lost. Wonder what they're lookin' for. And I guess you're right, either way ya got connections if Xie 'presses." But then she spots the brown coming to a halt. "Look! He finally made his mind up."

juliri, amaris, fraya, liabeth, sani, talurith, basquirin, caitlyn, griere, danika, fyra, tzivya, nolee, mariun, milani, hatching, anderon, gay, ista, suvain, aidra, coren, naijath, q'vek, r'layn, lujayn, ephara, a'son, aerianth, fayre, event, tiglan, leova, rori, nikoth, vrianth, xielar, madge, tereke, rielsath, malaith, rhadruth, nalaieth, t'mic, noemie, r'us

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