OOC Pre-Hatching Meeting, Aug 20, 07

Aug 20, 2007 18:12

PreHatching Meeting Log

Logfile from Nolee's point of view.


Nolee passes out the usual cookie and peach iced-tea contingent, bounces on the cots when Noe and Tegs aren't looking, etc. :)

You say "And hi all! This is an OOC meeting to share important information regarding our upcoming hatching. And wooha, we have a heap of stuff to share with you. :) So who's nervous? :D This is really the time for you guys to just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride. ;) You've all been totally awesome. Thank you for making this cycle such a pleasure! :D"

Caitlyn wants raspberry iced tea.
Tegara wants iced chai latte.
Nolee sticks out her tongue in a raspberry, passes the tea to Caity. Done!
Derik wants iced coffee.
Nelyo is late. sorry
Trace wants some migraine medicine...
Griere says "Fadra, you're preening -me-, right? ;)"
Caitlyn smashes Trace's foot with a sledgehammer?
Derik snugs on Nolee and has fun this Search cycle! :)
Tegara says "Come on, Fadra -- step up."
Fadra looks innocent and starts preening Griere. Gah.
Trace cries and thanks Cait.
Dalanor gets to keep his hair after its all cut off right? :b
Derik eyes Trace.
Caitlyn says "Welcome. ALways happy to help end one pain!"

You say "We've got a lot of info to give you tonight and chances are, if you have a question, the answer is in there somewhere. If we get to the end of each section, or the end of all of it, and you still have questions, you can fire away. We always <3 questions!"

Caitlyn says "Why is the sky blue, momma Nolee?"
Nelyo growls. My internet radio is busted again
Tegara gives Noles a button that says, "Question Authority."
Dalanor says "Too many blue riders, duh. :b"
Nolee laughs, because you're underwater trying to see it. ^^

You say "The hatching will be on Saturday, August 25th at 8 pm ET. Usually they run about 2.5-3 hours, with rp afterward as well. I know that this is not an ideal time for a few of you and we all do apologize. We tried really hard to find a time that would work for the greatest number of people. Keep in mind that we have almost twenty schedules to coordinate for this event. There was no one day where everyone could come. We chose this day because weekends tend to be the most flexible time for the greatest number of people. Also, if you do think that you'll be able to make it for at least -part- of the hatching, like if you can come for the beginning but have to leave, or if you will be showing up late, +mail Vel, Nolee and Griere and let us know. :)"

Chantha grins, thanks, and shares cocoa around.
Caitlyn likes the idea of the sky being full of blue dragons.

You say "That brings us to puppeteers. Whether you can make the hatching or not, we all strongly recommend having a puppeteer lined up because you never know what will happen. If you can't find someone you trust to be your puppeteer, +mail V'lano and Griere and they'll find someone for you (mwah ha ha! ahem.) They're good people, really! Be aware, we generally don't know who will have the lucky job of puppetting candidates until the day of the hatching. If you send us the info, don't worry, we'll take care of it. ;)"

Nolee welcomes Ilina.
You say "And catches her up. :)"
V'lano brings the umbrella drinks.
Caitlyn takes her berry daquari from Vel, nodding thanks.

You say "Yay umbrellas! Figure Vel for a guy who likes umbrella drinks. ^^ Still on puppetteers (a word I like to spell differently every time I write it!) There are a couple of things you should +mail your puppeteer. 1. The password that you'll be using the night of the hatching. 2. A copy of your robe desc. 3. A few generic hopping, shuffling, 'oh look at that lovely hatchling' poses. 4. A pose for if you impress. 5. A pose for if you do not. 6. If you're a male candidate, ask your puppeteer to let you know your new character name if you happen to impress, or else you'll be very confused when you try to log in."

Fadra notes Vel's girly-drinks with an upturned nose and drinks...water. Siiigh.

You say "Any questions so far on puppetteers?"

Derik has none.
Chantha just hopes I won't need one. No offense to them, of course.
Caitlyn says "We're hoping the same thing, Chantha. ;)"

Dalanor has no questions so far. :)
Rooklen kicks his connection.
Fadra staples Caitlyn to the game, sheesh.
Fadra says "And Rooklen, too."
Caitlyn seems unable to rif herself of lag/freeze problems.
Rooklen grins. "Thanks."
Caitlyn says "Err, rid"

You say "No other questions there? If you think of one and we've moved on, there'll be a spot to come back to it at the end, too, so all is not lost. :)"
Ilina pages to Caitlyn, Chantha, Dalanor, Derik, Fadra, Griere, Izarit, Nelyo, Noemie, Nolee, Rooklen, Tegara, Trace, and V'lano: Don't think so!

You say "Please be here by half and hour before the hatching begins, which is 7:30 PM ET. Noemie and Tegara will be checking robes, and giving you some last minute reminders and stuff. ICly, there would be great preparations for a massive feast going on, as the DragonHealers would be able to narrow the hatching day to within a window, so the candidates would have an idea that it could be any time now. The dragons will start humming, loudly, when it is time. Unfortunately, the period before the hatching is not really... RP rich. It's mostly frantic chaos, bits of RP, some waiting around and then whammy! stuff is happening. There will be a game announcement before the hatching. We promise, if you're on, you'll know what's up. ;D"

Griere says "We do recommend having a backup even if you plan on making the hatching. Ya never know when your ISP might go blooey. ;) It tends to do that sort of think when it's most inconvenient, say... at a hatching. ;)"

Tegara gets out the heavy-duty aerospace-strength contact cement.

Griere says "Sort of thing, even. yeah. Fingers. letters. stuff."

Nelyo says "um what if you can't be there half an hour before? It's a bit early for me. I might be say 15 minutes late, not to the hatching itself but the early thing."

Chantha was going to say that too, Nelyo. New job starts tomorrow, and while I'm fairly sure I'll be able to gently finagle my schedule and get to the Hatching *somehow*, I may be late, or on the dot of eight.

Fadra says "That's the case for having a puppetteer. :) We can at least get you on the sands and then if you do log in late, we'll know you're there and can sort of flee and let you take the reins back."

You say "Good question, Nelyo, and being here a little late in that half hour before the hatching begins is just fine. It's mostly so we don't worry that we won't have you there, and to be sure you have time for robe desc checks and so you can do any last minute @idle messages, dropping items, etc before you all hit the sands. :)"

Dalanor says "Is there a default 'candidate's robes' desc you'd like to see used? Or a generic that we can model?"

V'lano says "It's also good, if you think you'll be pushing it, to get your robe on and stuff in advance. That way you (or your puppeteer) don't have to fiddle with it ahead of time. ;)"

V'lano says "Er, don't have to fiddle with it at the last minute, rather."

You say "On robes: The robe should be a plain white sack with holes for your head and arms. No decoration, no colored stitching, no lacey hems. The robe should fall between mid-thigh and knee. Anything shorter is inappropriate, longer would be dangerous on the sands. (Remember, we want the candidates to be able to run screaming from lethal dragon claws, mwahahahah!) *cough* Long hair must be tied back in either a white string or a leather thong, that goes for guys as well as girls. You'll be wearing sandals; the sands are still hot enough for all sorts of hopping and dancing."

You say "You can also +mail a robe desc in advance to Noemie and Tegara just to make sure you're all set in advance of the big day if you'd like. :) The desc doesn't have to be anything spectacular. In all truth, "Sally is wearing a plain white candidate robe and a pair of sandals. Her hair is pulled back in a runner tail" is just fine. Before we let you onto the sands, we'll be glancing at you to make sure that you've got your robe on and that it fits those requirements. (No nakkey candidates!)"

Rooklen says "Dang, no streaking."
Caitlyn readies the wet towel to swat Rook's hiney.
You say "Imagine what you're missing out on in letters home, I know. ^^"
Chantha was going to write a ballad and everything. ;)
Fadra sniggers.
Nelyo gets the blowtorch and welds Caitlyn to the game
Trace says "It won't help, I've tried everything."
Trace says "Sometimes giving Cait chocolate gets her to stick around though."
Tegara says "Even my super-duper heavy-duty contact cement didn't work."
Caitlyn sighs. LAG. FREEZE. It will not leave me alone.
Noemie says "And here I thought I'd try some superglue."
Tegara runs over to Sees for a box of assorted chocolates for Cait.
Caitlyn moans happily!
Nolee steals one bite out of each piece.

You say "Oh, what? Wait, what was that? Did someone say say 'lethal dragon claws'? Ista does allow maulings. If you are interested in being bloodied on the sands, +mail Vel, Nolee and Griere and let us know just how badly you want to be injured. Depending on what sort of reponses we get, we might just pick a few folks to be hurt and/or we might lessen the degree of the injury, but you will not be more beat up than you ask to be. ;)"

Caitlyn found it uber FUN for RP to get mauled!
Nelyo says "do injured ones Impress or is injury an automatic disqualification?"
V'lano muahaha rip shred rend.
Fadra giggles maniacally. Nothing like a mauling to make me feel complete.
Tegara says "Mauled by a dark brown named Darth?"

Caitlyn points to her forehead. Kint luved me.
Nolee points to Caitlyn, well, she was faulty but Kintryth took her anyway. ^^

Chantha has read logs and seen mauled Candidates Impress. :) It adds to the drama.
Noemie says "Wasn't Ril slashed pretty bad, too?"

Noemie says "Wasn't Ril slashed pretty bad, too?"

V'lano says "Mauling does not mean you can't impress, although if a new weyrling has just been mauled they may have a slightly different experience in the first couple days of weyrlinghood. ;)"

Griere says "We do love a little blood-spilling. ;)"
Caitlyn pouts.
Nelyo gets all kinds of gory ideas
Caitlyn says "Yes, Ril got clawed on the chest."

Ilina pages to Caitlyn, Chantha, Dalanor, Derik, Fadra, Griere, Izarit, Nelyo, Noemie, Nolee, Rooklen, Tegara, Trace, and V'lano: Can you be mauled without knowing it?

Fadra makes the experience different and /fun/ trust me. -shiftyeyes-
Noemie says "And he Impressed, too. Tons of gore at our Hatching!"

Ilina pages to Caitlyn, Chantha, Dalanor, Derik, Fadra, Griere, Izarit, Nelyo, Noemie, Nolee, Rooklen, Tegara, Trace, and V'lano: I mean, a surprise mauling...not pre-planned...
Caitlyn tosses confetti!
Chantha saw an Igen log where one girl...well. Oy.

Rooklen looks curious?
Caitlyn says "Ista has a proud history of dragon attacks! ;)"
V'lano says "Ista has a proud history of aggressive dragons I think. ;)"
Sulizath is calm, thankyouverymuch.
Caitlyn giggles.
Riaceth is from Telgar, so there *mneh*
Sully munches on Riaceth's tail.

Griere says "If you request a mauling, we don't promise that you -will- be mauled. I mean, if every one of you asks for it, well, that's a right massacre of a hatching. ;) And we won't tell you if/when you'll be mauled, so it's a bit of a surprise. ;) The only thing we do promise is that you won't be more injured than you ask to be. :)"

Fadra says "So if you don't ask, you get nil. XD"
Griere says "We won't maul anyone who doesn't request it. :)"
Caitlyn grins the grin of Sauron's parleyer.
Chantha is imagining the CCs dressed in black hooded robes as they walk us out. "Nice knowing you...we have bets on you losing a finger..."
Noemie is getting ideas.

Rooklen says "Yeah, that works with candidates in sacraficial white...."
Caitlyn hauls out the body bags.

Tegara starts sharpening her sacrifical knife.
Rooklen hides behind Timberly.
Fadra lights the candles and summons the spirits and stuff.

You say "If we've got the mauling part down with no questions, onward! Hatchings are crazy, spammy, tense events but there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself and easier on the SC (who're running around like headless chickens behind the scenes. Bokbok!) ;) First, you can +quiet your knots. '+quiet/isw on' will essentially turn off the knot so you can no longer hear it or speak on it. '+quiet/isw off' turns it back on again. (You could +mail this to yourself in case you forget with all the hatching day jitters). We recommend halting yourself (@set me=halt) and either dropping all your objects (lizards, pets, and trinkets aren't allowed on the sands anyway) or setting yourself opaque (@set me=opaque). Halt will keep things like your adesc from triggering and opaque will prevent people from seeing what you're carrying. You can also set your idle message to let people know that you're being spammed and you might not be able to answer their pages right away. Please don't use pagelocking because we need to be able to contact you. :)"

Tegara plays all sorts of ominous black metal.
Fadra bites off the head of a bat.
Caitlyn highly recommends +mailing yoursel fall those commands.

Nolee sheepishly admits +mailing myself things I need to do, how to get to the Lava lounge, important stuff like that...all the time. ^^

Trace says "Whoa, metal? Sweet..."
Chantha is not alone!

Caitlyn smoochies Noles yet again.
Noemie saves them all to a word doc, or sticky notes on my mac's dashboard :)
Tegara glomps Noemie = another Mac person!
Noemie heees.
Griere has stuff +mailed to herself. The directions to the lava lounge, how to request a DTU, etc. ;)

Derik does stuff like add colors and spawns to his client. Helps with spam a lot.
Noemie says "Of course, partners in crime have to have matching macs."

You say "Woo, baby! Smoochy collection. And yay macs! :) Ooh, more helpful stuff. Some clients will let you highlight words in different colors. If you highlight your name, you'll be less likely to miss when someone's posing to you. If anyone needs help changing these settings on their clients, Griere can help with MushClient, Vel can help with Savitar and plenty of folks can help with SimpleMu. If you're using another client, we can try to find someone to help you. :)"

Griere says "It's handy. ;)"
Fadra...just remembers stuff, haha ftw.
Tegara muahahahas
Caitlyn must remember to ask Gri about the MushCLient hilighting.
Nelyo cries and wants a mac. *sucks thumb*
Caitlyn stuffs Nelyo's face with Mac...and cheese.
Fadra can help with MUSHclient, too, so that Griere isn't swamped with OMGHELP!
Noemie debates switching back to Savitar again.
Trace says "But what if we /want/ to spam Griere with OMGHELP? ;)"
Nelyo uses SimpleMU and knows how to highlight names
Chantha is scarily able to keep track.
Derik uses SimpleMU also. And a neat program on his Mac but I forget the name of it. Oh! Alantis. Awesome mu* client for macs.
Caitlyn slobbers on Fadra.

Noemie uses Atlantis, too.
Nolee loves the atmosphere of sharing and help; that's ideal and there's a good chance that someone out there uses the same client and can be of help. :)
Noemie warns, though, she's not all that good with her client :)
Fadra snerks.

You say "So, you're wearing your robe, you've dropped all your objects, highlighted your name, +quieted your knots and set your idle message; it's time to step out onto the sands! You can all just go at once; we don't need to file in any sort of orderly way. As long as you all get from point A to point B, we're happy. When you get onto the sands, don't worry about bowing to Nalaieth and Jekzith. We'll have a group emit for that. After the group emit is done you can start your hot-footed hoppings. :)"

You say "Maybe Derik can teach you about Atlantis instead, Gnome. Hee!"

Griere says "Hey, if a whole swathe of you spam me at once, I'll only have to explain it one time. That could rawk. ;)"
Noemie says "He probably could!"
Fadra coordinates a group effort.

Dalanor says "It is."
Nelyo says "thank you"
You say "That'll do it, Nelyo. And not a dumb question at all! :) I think you can also &idle me=blah for the same effect. ^^ To test it, you can always page yourself, and if the message pops up, you set it. ^^ To clear it, same thing but no blahs. ^^"
Dalanor says "Or should be. I've never played on TM v2"

Derik snickers and stumbles through Atlantis himself... :)

Tegara says "I haven't used it for just that reason."

You say "This is where we get to the 'things you can do to make it easier on the SC'. While we don't like to tell folks how to RP, there are three little things you can do that make a -ton- of difference. 1. Please don't emit. We want your beautiful shining name right at the front of the line where we can find it without hunting. 2. Please keep your poses short. Four lines is fine, ten lines is not so fine. 3. Pose just once per egg/hatchling pose. We're not counting or anything that precise, and pose order is just a given out the window, but aim for about that often and we'll be great. :)"

Trace says "So page long poses, every minute, and forget my name. Got it ;P"
Derik plasters the 'do not emit' rule on his forehead. It's a habit for me to emit about half my poses! :)
Caitlyn strangles Trace. ;)
Nelyo gets the shears to trim his poses down to size
Trace acks x.x
Derik also gets some shears to trim down his poses.
Tegara gets a buzzsaw...
Tegara says "And a Sawzall...."
Derik alas, poor Trace. We knew him well before Caitlyn strangled him

V'lano shares a secret. I emit during hatchings. I just emit sentences that start with my name. Because the habit of hitting \\ is -that- ingrained. ;)

Nolee confessings, me too.
Dalanor does the same thing Derik. I'm with you.
Nolee ers, confesses. Hee.
Derik bows before V'lano. "Totally awesome idea. Cause it's totally ingrained in me too. :)
V'lano is big cheater.

Chantha promises that, should I dare to emit, I will do totally Chantha-esque things so everyone knows it's me. ;)
Trace cuts of Vel's hand for being a cheater...
Trace says "Er...off."

You say "Some of you will be impressing. If your character is a guy, the first thing you need to do is change your name to the honorific your dragon has chosen for you (they'll tell you what that is) and set your alias to your old name (@name me=, @alias me=). If you impress, you have to pose your reaction. Please say your dragon's name aloud in that pose, as it makes the people watching happy and it signals to us, that, well, all the messages went through all right. :) At that point a member of the WLM team will escort you off the sands."

Derik <-- scared.

You say "Also, please wait to pose congratulations to a new Impressee until that person has said their dragon's name aloud -- ICly as watchers, we probably wouldn't be psychic enough to know who the dragon had really chosen until then. Feel free to pose other stuff, though. :)"

Caitlyn calls Vel 'stumpy'
V'lano flail.
Tegara wonders if Vel will be as dangerous with his left hand as he was with his right....
Fadra shares her cane.

You say "Now the poses will be flying, eggs bouncing around, dragons impressing left and right. In the midst of all this noise and excitement, we have to ask each of you remember that nothing would make us happier than to have 11 dragons to give away, but that's just not the way it goes. And in the end, it doesn't -really- matter. Your character is what you make of it. Just because the hatching is over doesn't mean things are going to stop happening. We've got lots of fun stuff planned, some great programs to get involved with and to bolster up, and we would like nothing better than for all of you to stay here and play with us. :) V'lano and Griere will also be available if anyone wants to talk about the outcome of the hatching, though we suggest waiting a day for everything to settle a little bit before coming to chat. :)"

Caitlyn says "Yeah, SearchCo people are *fragged* after running the hatching."
Rooklen says "Is that like a Fraggle?"
Tegara buys case of Red Bull for SC.
Caitlyn says "Nothing at all like a Fraggle. More like Oscar the Grouch on downers?? ;) j/k"
Rooklen snickers.
Griere says "We're generally pumped, but mildly headless. ;)"
Noemie cheers. Red Bull!

Nolee thinks everyone's a little frazzled after hatchings, from adrenaline if nothing else. But there'll still be fun rp and programs kicking back into gear as life goes on at the weyr, so plenty to do! :) Aaaand...Yahoo! That's the bulk of the information we'd like to share with you before the hatching. Thanks for your patience during all of that. Now it's time for any further questions!

Chantha says "You lot know too many of my secrets. I *couldn't* leave. ;)"
Fadra says "Well, Griere, if you'd stop decapitating our minions...."
Griere says "Oh. Right. Darn."
Trace says "Will there be shrimp cocktail served?"

Griere says "Almost daily. ;)"
Caitlyn hopes so!
Trace says "Sweet, sweet."

Nelyo waves. "See you later."
Nelyo says "Drat. Too slow.""
Fadra points demonstratively to Nearly Headless Noemie, the Weyr Ghost.
Noemie makes scary ghosty sounds, and follows the Gryffindors around.
Caitlyn sighs. I was a Gryffendor.
Caitlyn says "How boring."
Chantha makes the sign of the cross. I'm a Ravenclaw!
Noemie is a Ravenclaw, actually, but y'know, I can be flexible. *demonstrates with head*
Caitlyn wanted to be a Ravenclaw. *squawks!*
"Nevermore, nevermore." Tegara winks.

Nolee last chances for any questions before we wrap and I close the log? :)

Chantha will study her notes, hope to negotiate a good work schedule, and wait gleefully for Saturday. :)
Nelyo will study notes and hope the world doesn't continue crashing down around his ears and gleefully wait for Saturday
Tegara starts singing, "Saturday Night's Alright for a Hatching."
Derik snugs all members of the SC for a cool hatching cycle. "I've no other questions. Now I've just got to figure out a robe desc and wait for Saturday and cross my fingers I can make it.
Noemie props it up for Nelyo.

Dalanor will probably end up doing some code for himself. Name swapping that sort of thing. If anyone wants that sort of thing just page me and I'll page it to you. :)
Caitlyn likes Ista's clothing code.
Fadra seconds that.
Derik perks. "Clothing code?"
Chantha says "There's a code?"
Caitlyn says "Ayup"
Tegara says "Wardrobe code roxks!"

Fadra says "+lhelp wardrobe code"

Derik oh! Who do we mail the robe descs too?
Caitlyn says "Type in clothing help"
Tegara says "Me and Noemie."
Noemie and Tegs can take them for safekeeping, I think :)
Chantha adds that to her notes, and skedaddles.
Caitlyn says "later"

You say "Yay for sharing! <3 And with that, see folks later, and thanks for coming to the meeting!"

pre-hatching meetings, candidates, trace, nelyo, caitlyn, griere, ooc, derik, nolee, izarit, fadra, v'lano, meeting, pre-hatching, dalanor, noemie, tegara, rooklen, chantha

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